Posts tagged content plan
Top 3 Content Creation Hacks To Boost Your Creativity And Grow Your Email List
How to Write Unique Blog Posts for a Whole Year - Exact Blueprint for Quality Blog Content Ideas

If you struggling to decide what to write about to have quality blog content, read how write unique blog posts for a whole year. I share with you my exact blueprint for quality blog content ideas:

  1. Why you need a 12 month blog posts plan

  2. The “How”: How to trigger your creativity to plan unique blog posts for a year in just 1 day.

  3. The “Why”: Have clear intent & purpose to create a blog content plan with unique blog posts:

    • Transform your blog posts from information to value for your audience.

    • Achieve value for both, you & your audience with your content writing.

  4. The “What”: How to define your blog posts ideas for a full year.

    • Step 1: Big picture first! How to choose 4-5 distinct content writing categories

    • Step 2: How to research trends, keywords & seasonality to define quality blog content.

    • Step 3: Why it pays to be different, be you.

  5. The “When”: How to define your blog content calendar for a year to reach your goals:

    • How to make your blog content calendar for a full year!

    • You need visuals for quality blog content.

  6. Your BONUS tip: What you should not be afraid to do.

  7. If you only have 5 minutes, read this!

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