Posts tagged planning
7 steps to achieve your small business goals from your new year's resolutions (and boost your business opportunities)

Small business new year’s resolutions are flawed from the beginning… and this is why you need small business goals. New year’s resolutions are wishful thinking. And wishful thinking it’s great because it shows your intentions. It’s the first necessary step… and I applaud you…

But it isn’t not enough unfortunately!

With this blog post, you’ll discover how to convert wishful thinking into small business goals you’ll achieve. You’ll discover:

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Online launch : Advice You Wish You Had Read Earlier From 25 Amazing Online Course Creators & Online Coaches

Thinking about an online launch to boost your revenue as online course creator or online coach? Does it feel like a daunting challenge that you don’t know how to prepare for?

Or maybe you’ve done an online launch before and the experience left you exhausted or disappointed

Find here what many don’t tell you about an online launch.

Honest, open, raw advice from 25 online course creators and coaches about their online launch experience and learnings. After this, your online launch won’t be the same!

Nothing better than learning from amazing online entrepreneurs, from solopreneurs to multiple six figures businesses, who have been there, launched online and done it successfully! They’re based all around the world and address a fascinating variety of online learning experiences. Fascinating!

Keep on reading to hear all about it!

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12 irresistible money making blog ideas to never struggle with creativity as a content creator

Money making blog ideas… that’s the dream… But sometimes you can run out of ideas of how to go about it…

  • What blog post ideas will drive your revenue up?

  • How not to end up always creating the same kind of content and keep your blog ideas fresh?

  • How to drive income indirectly, without feeling you’re constantly selling to your readers

This blog is a menu of options for you, so that you never run out of money making blog post ideas during the year!

You’re going to get 12 great ways to create blog posts that drive revenue naturally by leveraging blog ideas that drive one of these 4 types of revenue streams from your blog:

  • Selling products (either physical or digital)

  • Affiliate marketing

  • Ads

  • Sponsored blog

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From Online Business Ideas At Home To The Perfect One To Start Generating Revenue As Solopreneur

Are you itching to get into the online business and aren’t quite sure what your biz should be? Or maybe your brain is giving you 100’s of business ideas at home and your wondering which one to go after? Or you’ve already launched your online business ideas and they haven’t work as well as you wanted and you’re wondering where it went wrong…

Get ready!!!!

This is a different blog to my usual content: a fascinating interview with Jake Lang, the author of “Step One” and the founder of several successful businesses, including The Entrepreneur Ride Along. Jake helps aspiring entrepreneurs start and scale their first online business.

You’ll be glued to his entrepreneurial story, his learnings from failures and success, and his super high value, step-by-step system to decide your next business idea to start generating revenue as solopreneur.

It’s jammed packed with insights and hugely strategic advice to go from online business ideas at home to the ONE.

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9 Deadly Blogging Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost To Make Money With A Blog (And How To Fix Them Fast)
5 essential Pillars to unlock 6 figure passive income to achieve your money goals faster
41 ways to repurpose your content to explode your blog reach & website traffic

Content, content, content. The one thing that you need for your traffic. Online business success needs content. Maximise the impact of one piece of content by choosing to repurpose it. Here is your menu to chose from 41 different ways to repurpose your content for content search engines, social media, podcast, your email list and online business:

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How to Face Your Fears As an Online Entrepreneur & Turn Them Into A Positive Mindset

As exciting as being an online entrepreneur is, there is one aspect that is difficult to talk about…. Those underlying fears on the back of your mind. Would it not be great to have an easy, step-by-step technique to face your fears and turn them into a positive mindset?

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Discover my secrets to maximise your website traffic with Tailwind for Pinterest and be super productive

We all want it all… website traffic growth, more free time, less complexity… I am conscious that many blogs have already been written about Tailwind for Pinterest. So why should you keep on reading?

Quite simply, there are many benefits for online entrepreneurs to use Tailwind for Pinterest… and there is also a learning curve to it. Discover my secrets to maximise your website traffic with Tailwind for Pinterest, be super productive and not be spammy:

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Setting Goals for Success With a Complete System to Make Them Happen Without Overwhelm
How to Write Unique Blog Posts for a Whole Year - Exact Blueprint for Quality Blog Content Ideas

If you struggling to decide what to write about to have quality blog content, read how write unique blog posts for a whole year. I share with you my exact blueprint for quality blog content ideas:

  1. Why you need a 12 month blog posts plan

  2. The “How”: How to trigger your creativity to plan unique blog posts for a year in just 1 day.

  3. The “Why”: Have clear intent & purpose to create a blog content plan with unique blog posts:

    • Transform your blog posts from information to value for your audience.

    • Achieve value for both, you & your audience with your content writing.

  4. The “What”: How to define your blog posts ideas for a full year.

    • Step 1: Big picture first! How to choose 4-5 distinct content writing categories

    • Step 2: How to research trends, keywords & seasonality to define quality blog content.

    • Step 3: Why it pays to be different, be you.

  5. The “When”: How to define your blog content calendar for a year to reach your goals:

    • How to make your blog content calendar for a full year!

    • You need visuals for quality blog content.

  6. Your BONUS tip: What you should not be afraid to do.

  7. If you only have 5 minutes, read this!

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