9 Deadly Blogging Mistakes To Avoid At All Cost To Make Money With A Blog (And How To Fix Them Fast)

Discover the 9 easy-to-make blogging mistakes when blogging to make money online and how to fix them fast. Because only 5-8% of blogs generate a full-time income. *Wait, what?!*

Have you guessed the 9 mistakes? This blog will be very useful is you have started your blog in the past year or so… and even if you have been blogging for longer because avoiding these mistakes can help you accelerate your growth.

It is easy to believe that because you have been doing something for a while you think everything is fine. I must admit that one of these mistakes is something that I discovered months after starting, despite being convinced that I was doing the right thing!

So my advice is not to rush this blog as if it was a checklist that you want to tick off… “Cool, I am not doing that, next…”

Take your time to reflect and go deep with some of these mistakes, to challenge yourself and find new opportunities to improve your approach to blogging to make money online.

Full disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission from.


Blogging mistakes can ruin your dream of blogging to make money

You have a dream... doing what you like, with freedom, being your own boss. Or maybe you want to have more time with your family. Or maybe you are burnout by the pressure of the corporate world. Or you just want to get some extra income for those personal projects... paying off debt, a dream holiday, retiring early, investing to make your money grow...

You have decided that a blog and the online business seem the perfect recipe to reach your dreams. So you start a blog. 

Not just that. You decide to start blogging to make money online. Super exciting!!!

The learning curve at this stage can be quite steep depending on how you approach it.

You may have already read a few blogs about how to start your blog. Those usually cover things like how to get your own website address, your website hosting services and so on. This blog isn’t one of them.

I want to share something different with you in this blog. It includes learning lessons, mistakes you can easily avoid to be successful blogging to make money online. 

Take each of them and really dig deep to see whether you are falling into some of these mistakes without even noticing. It is easily done. Months can go by and you start to wonder why certain results don’t come as expected... At that point, you would see yourself going back to basics and realise that you have wasted valuable time.

Only if you have taken the time to avoid these mistakes before…

Do you know that approximately only 5-8% of blogs generate a full-time income? Let me help you be one of them!

Here are the top 9 mistakes to avoid when blogging to make money online.

Only 5-8% of blogs generate a full-time income. Blogging.com. 9 mistakes bloggers make when trying to make money online and how to fix them fast. For course creators & bloggers.

Blogging mistake #1: Not using the best platform for blog traffic

And talking about promoting your content, I let you guess from where 80% of my traffic comes from…

I know! Obvious after the heading of this section! 😀

Yes! Pinterest!

Pinterest has become a very powerful tool for bloggers, specially those blogging to make money online.

Pinterest will help you get discovered because it is designed to bring traffic to your site.

Do you think that you can do the same with other platforms? Not to the same extent!

Let me explain. Let’s take one after the other.

  • Instagram is truly engineered to keep you in the platform.

    • You can only add links to your stories that disappear after 24h!

    • You can only add a few links in your bio but not your individual posts!

    • When you open a link in Instagram, it does not open the associated app (it keeps you in Instagram).

    • So Instagram is not the best of social media engines to drive traffic to your website and blog. It can help you provide visibility of your content in Instagram and build your brand.

  • Facebook has a very large user base but, once you post, the lifespan of your post, meaning how long it is actively shown to others in the platform, is just a few hours. *Really?*

  • Google can be great, certainly, when you master SEO and manage to get your content in page 1 of searches. However, SEO takes time and focus to get right. Getting the right keywords isn’t that straight forward and sometimes keeping Google happy gets into very techi requirements like the loading speed of your site… which is not for everyone to tackle easily.

Pinterest, on the other hand, has an easy learning curve and, when you pin, the average lifespan of your pin is months, not hours. Cooooool!!

Use the power of Pinterest when blogging to make money online. How long does your content last? In Pinterest 4 months versus 18 minutes in Twitter.

So, if you want to discover how to grow online your blog on autopilot, my friend, I have something very especial for you! Access instantly here my FREE Pinterest training:


Ditch the social media burnout

Here's how to create a lead-generation engine for your online biz

  • Learn how to double (or triple!!) your online traffic for YEARS - not hours

  • Attract high-quality leads on autopilot with my Pinterest system

  • Swipe my 4 pinning strategies that drive traffic, guaranteed

  • Sidestep the top 5 Pinterest mistakes that cost you time (and money!)

Get instant access to my FREE Video Workshop👇


Blogging mistake 2: Taking too long

Among blogging mistakes, this one is the most common mistake. The perfectionist in you know exactly what I am referring to.

Not launching because you want all the pieces of the puzzle perfect before you open your online doors. A slick website, a comprehensive product portfolio, an email list automated, your lead magnet, your sales funnels, 5-10 blogs written... the list goes on. 

Actually, approaching it this way is quite a waste of time for a number of reasons:

  • You gain experience through creating and selling and that comes over time. So forget the concept of getting it perfect at the beginning.

  • Your online business will evolve over time. So there isn’t such thing as launching and getting it 100% spot on.

  • The voice of your own community will help you better shape your online business.

  • You are likely to evolve your niche as your progress.

So as they always say, it is better to get started earlier rather than later. 

Content is the fundamental basis for your online business, so concentrate on that first.

Create a phased plan and start with your blog content. Then ensure you start your email list as soon as possible. The earlier the better.


Take action


  • Don’t spend too long to launch your website because you are over complicating things or trying to get to much done before you launch.
  • Logos, color palettes, fonts will not generate you money. Don't spend too long on these.


  1. Start with your content. Create content. Get your blog running, even if you don’t have anything else.
  2. Get your email list in place. You can start with a free service and migrate later.
  3. Expand to monetising your blog in a phased approach. Start simple and build sophistication (like sales funnels) as you make progress.

Trying to monetise from the very beginning will cost you time, as you need to learn and implement quite a lot of things at once. Give yourself some breathing space.

Start blogging, create your list, start with a simple monetisation strategy and add monetisation strategies as you gain experience and build knowledge and confidence.

Trying to get the monetisation from the beginning makes you waste time. To monetise you need traffic and to build trust. Your blog content and your connection to your email list will give you that! So get those going first.


Blogging mistake #3: Are you really clear who you're targetting?

Among blogging mistakes, this is a deadly one… and I made it! (Yeap, I’ve said it!)

Nothing better than sharing with you my own experience. Here it comes:


for example:

    When I started my blog, I thought I was very clear on who I was serving. So when I was reading advice about my niche, it sounded just something very obvious I did not need much time to spend on. I had sooooooo many other things to do.

    So that was that. I started with what I thought was a clear target audience: serving online entrepreneurs. 

    Well the fact is that it is faaaaaaar too generic!

    My first glimpses of this being too wide as a target audience came when I was validating my Free Visuals Collection. One day some of the feedback I received said: "Not quite sure who is this for?"

    Even at that moment I didn't get the point. Why did I not? Because I was deeply convinced that I was clear about who I was serving. Online entrepreneurs. Simple.

    So I kept on this path...

    Then I launched my first digital product and sought more feedback. And after a while, a similar comment came back.

    This made me reflect.

    What was wrong in my approach?...

    So I decided to seek help from the content of one of the best online educators, Pat Flynn. And, as he says, "The richest are in the the niches".

    I had my Ah-ha moment! The net was too wide. By trying to attract too many people, I was not attracting many.

    So I decided to question myself on who I really wanted to have as my audience, specially in the context of my digital monetisation strategy. And I niched down. Not much admittedly, but at least more than before: bloggers and online course creators.

    Engagement went up. Result!


Niche down your target audience

“What is niching down?”… you may be asking. Niching down is the exercise of thinking who you are targeting in order to make your content and offering more specific, addressing a smaller segment of audience.

Smaller audience???!!!

Before you think this is crazy, here is the reason why you want to do it.

Once you are more specific about who you target, you can research better their specific struggles, goals and dreams and create content that will talk to them.


for example:

    Let's imagine an online course creator who offers courses to automate online business sales funnels. She could niche down as follows her target students:

    • Any online entrepreneur.
    • Women entrepreneurs.
    • Women solopreneurs.
    • Mompreneurs.
    • Mom solopreneurs who want eed tech made simple for them.

    The way to address the Mom solopreneurs who want tech made simple for them is very different to trying to appeal to any online entrepreneur.

    By appealing to a more narrow niche, you can truly understand their specific struggles, use language that is aligned with them and, importantly, create a blog that responds to their needs.

    That is the door to blogging to make money online.

“73% of bloggers who earn over $50,000 per year typically publish content focused on the interests of very specific groups.”, Growthbadger. 9 mistakes to avoid to make money blogging.

Research your niche

It is very easy to get convinced that you know who you are serving. However, ask yourself:

  • do you know their struggles,

  • what questions are they looking answers for,

  • what blog titles are the most read,

  • what podcasts relate to them,

  • what YouTube channels do they watch,

  • what are their goals and…

  • what is their ultimate purpose?


Once you look at your target niche this way, it is very possible that you don’t really know as much as you thought you knew. That moment of realisation is gold. I experienced it and it was as if a light had been lit in my brain. So, so important.

Spending time answering the questions above is not wasting time… is gaining results!

So consider your niche research one of the most vital time investments for your blog to make money. Once you do this:

  • your products will be more fit for purpose,

  • they will talk by themselves to your audience,

  • your sales copy will become natural.

Everything is easier, more natural.


Take action

Whether you have not been blogging for long or not, always question yourself on whether you understand deeply the people you are serving, your niche.

  • Is your niche specific enough or are you trying to appeal to too many people?
  • Reduce the number of people you target with your blog (niche down your target audience), based on your passions, your knowledge and their needs.
  • Research your niche to understand their struggles, their goals and their dreams to truly address their needs and speak their language.

If you only do one thing about the 9 mistakes in this blog, this one is the one!

In making money, everything starts with the customer and its needs, whether is online or not.

“Compared to lower-income bloggers, bloggers who make over $50,000 per year are 700% as likely to have detailed notes about their target audience’s goals, attitudes, interests and lifestyle.”, Growthbadger. Top 9 mistakes bloggers make and how to fi…

Blogging mistake #4: When you lack confidence, this is an easy mistake

Do you know one of the most common mistakes of writers when they do their first book? They are influenced by their favourite authors and their style is not truly theirs.

The online world is very similar. We all have our idols, the people we aspire to be, those who have achieved plenty, the ones you would like to become.

The danger is that as you develop your blog and your online business, you unknowingly embrace a style, a voice, content that is too close to others who influence you. That does not make you different.

It is totally natural to be influenced. It is perfectly ok to admire other entrepreneurs.

Just don’t assume that being like them is the recipe to success.

Here comes the #1 rule to stand out: Being yourself is.

I am conscious that many say the same: “Be yourself”. The fact is that not being yourself is something you do without noticing.

Why does it matter?


for example:

    Think about music. What makes an artist or a group truly distinct?

    There are some singers and groups that you can recognise even without having heard their new song before.

    The sound. The voice. The rythm. The lyrics style.

    Your blog and online business are the same. Develop your own style and voice, not someone else's.

There is a wrong, common belief that online entrepreneurs have this profile of hyperactive, super confident, young people. Always successful, smiley, full of energy. And that is an image that we form day after day from social media, videos in YouTube…

If you are super energetic, fab! But the fact is that you don’t need to force yourself to be someone you are not. When you do so, you will not feel authentic. And people can tell.

What you really want is people to build trust with you and your brand. So nothing better than showing up as your true you.

Share your story. Accept to show your vulnerable side, your mistakes as well as your successes.

Still unconvinced?


for example:

    Think about relationships...

    How many times you think couples really build a strong relationship when they pretend to have a different personality and opinions when they are together, just because they think that's what the other wants to see or hear?

    That might work for a while but there is a point when the real personality comes through.

    Not being you is far from the best way to build solid foundations for a couple or between friends.

The same is true with your blog.


Take action

Challenge yourself when you are showing up in your online business to be YOU through:

  • the way you write your blog
  • how you post on social media
  • how you create your sales copy
  • the way you appear in your videos

Your true you is the best asset. Do not hide behind a fake you.

Ask people very close to you, who you trust, whether they recognise you through your content and online presence.

The point is not to attract everyone. It’s to attract those that will connect with you.

My son says to me: “Mum, I will never create the Instagram stories the way you do. It isn’t my style. But I love them, because is so much you!”

And that’s my point. Be you. Accept it is not for everyone. That’s perfectly ok.


Blogging mistake #5: The one thing you shouldn't put off

Are you deciding your blog content without a plan? When deciding what to write about each week, you just think about it there and then or just a few days in advance… whatever feels good to write about that week.

Being intentional with your content marketing will get you quicker results blogging to make money online.


Imagine aligning your content to your promotions during the year. Let’s imagine you have 4 main products and a couple of affiliate offers that you promote twice a year each. This will mean that each month you can and should create content aligned to the product you are pushing that month.

By approaching your content this way, your content will more naturally lead to your sales funnel and increase sales.

The alternative is to have a randomly misaligned sales plan and content plan. You decide to create content as you want each week and sale or create campaigns when you want to increase your revenue. That is a very reactive way of managing your online business and will not generate the best results.


Take action

Create your content plan based on your promotional plan for the year.

  • Define what you are going to promote in each month.
  • Plan content related to the product or affiliate you will be promoting that month.
  • Publish your content in advance of your promotional campaigns (1-2 weeks in advance)

Be intentional with your content to be aligned with your online business plan.

You can discover how to plan easily a full year worth of content, fully align with your launches and affiliate products promotions in my blog How To Write Unique Blog Posts For A Whole Year - Exact Blueprint For Quality Blog Content Ideas.


Blogging mistake #6: The 80-20 rule

Did you know that users produce around 70 million new posts and 77 million new comments each month ( WordPress)? This is why is sooooo important to get your content marketed. There is a lot of content produced every day, every week, every month. So help yourself to be noticed.

And if you still remain to be convinced, look at these statistics:

  • Only 21% of bloggers focus more on marketing than on the content itself (Growth Badger).

  • 70% of bloggers who earn over $50,000 say they are very active marketers (Growth Badger).

Based on this, what do you think is the right balance between creating content and promoting it?

  • 80% content creation - 20% promotion?

  • 50% each?

  • 20% content creation - 80% promotion?

It obviously always depends. However, always lean to spend significantly more time promoting your content than you think. The 20-80 rule is the best to ensure that you provide visibility to all the efforts of creating the content.

So if you are serious about making money with your blog, promote, promote, promote your content.

Now, promoting your content doesn’t necessarily mean paid ads!

Promoting your content can be done in many different ways for free:

  • Pinterest pins & stories

  • Social media: Facebook groups, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter

  • Blogging platforms like Quora

  • your email list

  • a podcast

  • private community of interests groups (in Circle, Kajabi…)

  • in collabs

The list goes on.


Take action

Ensure than you concentrate on promoting your content frequently.

  • 20% content creation
  • 80% content promotion
“70% of bloggers who earn over $50,000 per year say they are active or very active promoters of their blogs, compared to only 14% of lower-income bloggers.” Growthbadger.

Blogging mistake #7: Free will cost you

The beauty of making money with your blog is that the out front investment is small, and you can increase your invest as you grow. However, to make money, you’ll need to invest.

If you try to do it all for free or at very low cost, you will not use your time strategically:

  • If you try to learn it all by yourself, you will lose valuable time and make avoidable mistakes.

  • If you try to only use free tools and platforms, you will soon hit capacity and functionality issues that will limit your growth.

I know all this sounds a bit daunting. In fact, the best you can do to get your blog to make money is to allocate a budget for your strategic expenditures to run your online business optimally. It does not need to be thousands and thousands. Just ensure that you are not trying to build a business from thin air. Blogging to make money online requires investment, not a lot, but some.

Here are the most critical areas for investment:

Your website

  • Going for a cheap website hosting service can be very counter productive.

  • With free web hosting, the chances are that your website will have slow loading times affecting your SEO (and therefore your ability to rank high in Google searches).

  • I personally use Squarespace and I love it!

  • Your online business tools for email list, landing pages, digital product e-commerce platform, your automated sales funnels, video hosting…

    • It is easily done: going for all free options as much as you can.

      • Be mindful that you will hit limitations quickly or have to make compromises.

      • It is also a path that can lead you to building your systems tools with a multiplicity of tools that you then have to integrate yourself… If you are really not that much into tech, the tech nightmares start here!

        • For example, when I started my email list, I decided to go for the free option of Convertkit, as so many people seem to recommend it. It is undeniably a great tool.

        • That meant that for months I hadn’t an automated sequence for people signing to my email list (just a simple welcome email). That truly did not help.

    • Today I have removed the headaches of integrations and endless time of having to learn different tools and platforms.

    • I am delighted that Kartra allows me to do easily all of the following from one single tool for a very sensible monthly:

      • Email marketing including automations, tagging and segmentation, A/B testing…

      • Landing pages

      • Fully automated sales funnels

      • Video hosting

      • Memberships (not yet using this but great for my future online courses).

      • Helpdesk

    • You can choose separate tools and end up paying more or go for Kartra and benefit from the ease of use and save money compared to all the costs of many separate different tools together. It’s an easy choice.



  • You might be reluctant to invest in online courses. There is so much available to learn for free. That’s very true.

  • I am one of those eager consumers of free content to learn lots. However…

  • Having invested in courses ranging from $99 to $999, I can tell you that good courses are an invaluable way to speed up your learning and success. I hesitated for a long time to invest in courses. Once I discovered the joy of learning fast from brilliant educators, I don’t hesitate any more.

  • However, don’t make the mistake to get too many courses at once. Don’t get courses you don’t need right at the moment too. Otherwise you run the risk of not taking the time to go through them and implement them.

  • Private memberships are great to join communities who can support you with questions, feedback and ideas. They are also great to build your network. Always be active and provide value to others.

Invest in your business and you to make money online. Avoid these 9 big mistakes to make money blogging.

Blogging mistake #8: The introvert blogging mistake

There is something that is always true in business, whether it is online or not, whether you are starting or have years of experience and success: your network is your strength.

To make money with your blog, you are going to have to build your network.

So ask yourself:

  • How many people you can turn to for feedback, for help, for collabs?

  • How many people will give you shout outs in social media channels?

  • Are you weekly cultivating your network? Expanding it?

  • How many people do you support with your own insights?

  • How regularly do you engage with others, people you know and people you don’t, to share inputs and help?

Building your network with other online entrepreneurs, course creators and bloggers will take time. It doesn’t happen overnight.


for example


    Facebook groups can be a great place where to interact with other online entrepreneurs like you who blog.

        It can work really well to show up regularly in Facebook groups and help answer other people's questions.

        Provide as much value as you can without necessarily asking for anything.  

        By giving, you will start creating a presence, connections and eventually a network.

Your ability to accelerate your growth is highly depend on your ability to network.

Consider it a priority, not an afterthought or a nice to have.


Take action

Dedicate time weekly to interact with others, help them, encourage them, share insights.

You can do this in your social media accounts, community groups, private memberships, or live events.  

  Don't restrict  yourself to people who have the same activity thank you. Complementary niches can work together really well.  

   One of the greatest things you can help others with is to help them expand their own networks, by introducing them to people you know are a good fit. Become a connector. Great mentors do this really well.

Overtime you will build one of your most valuable business assets, your personal network. Well done!!


Blogging mistake #9: The most powerful free resource

To be successful, you can spend a lot of effort in learning and executing certain techniques. Social media strategies, email list growth, sales funnels, Pinterest, SEO, coaching best practice, affiliate marketing, passive income, webinars…, you name it, the list goes on.


One of your superpowers is your mindset

All of these are super important, no question about it… however, your biggest superpower to make money with your blog is your mindset.

  • How you approach your day.

  • How you face fears and adversity.

  • Whether you procrastinate and what you do mentally to stop it from happening.

  • How you face your business choices and decisions.

  • How you manage failure.

  • How you maintain a healthy work life balance.

  • How you avoid being overwhelmed or what you do when you are.

  • How you believe in you.

  • What you do to build your confidence.

  • How you surround yourself with positivity.

  • How you reflect on your lessons learned.

  • How you challenge yourself.

  • How you cope with success.

  • How you limit your ambitions or go after opportunities.

  • How aligned you feel between your online business and yourself.

All of these are part of the most critical asset of them all: your mindset.


What is an abundance mindset

An abundance mindset:

  • sees opportunities and pursues them

  • sees through a positive lens each day

  • faces challenges, not problems

  • never accepts failure as defeat but as a learning experience

  • harnesses the energy of stressful situations to achieve better things

So what’s the opposite of abundance? Scarcity.


for example:

    In the ups and downs of the day in the life of a blogger, a scarcity mindset can be easy to succumb to.

       Things take longer to achieve than what you are being promised in so many pieces of content.  

        The overwhelm of the enormity of the task you have embarked yourself into can overtake your thoughts.

    Or you just simply forget to nurture your mindset daily, to maintain it balanced, healthy and positive.

This is all very normal. We all have good and bad days.


How to easily maintain an abundance mindset

There are a few easy techniques that will help you maintain a strong mindset.


Take action

Nurture daily an abundance mindset by using a combination of these:

  • Journaling
  • Affirmations
  • Meditation
  • Mindset coaching
  • Exercising
  • Sharing your experiences with your close network to externalise your thoughts

You may believe that either you have an abundance mindset or an scarcity mindset, that’s part of who you are. We all have certain tendencies, that’s a fact. However…

You can cultivate and amplify an abundance mindset. Don’t accept or give up because you believe that your personality will not enable you to look around you with abundance.

The brain is like a muscle that you can train. It’s elasticity will help you train your brain to a positive mindset. That’s where activities like meditation and affirmations are important to embrace as a daily routine.

You will notice the difference in your thoughts quickly.

9 major mistakes bloggers make when trying to make money online & how to fix them fast for course creators and bloggers.

Your BONUS tip: The biggest blogging mistake of all

I know we all want to get to our goals fast. Many out there promise you can achieve thousands in just weeks. And while it can be possible, the fact is that blogging to make money online takes consistency and some time.

In fact, because you are bombarded with so much marketing making you believe that get rich quick results are possible and easy that bloggers, course creators and online entrepreneurs can get frustrated and anxious very quickly when they don’t achieve quick results.


for example:

    I regularly read comments of new bloggers in Facebook groups who believe they are doing something really wrong after 1-3 months of blogging because their traffic is not going through the roof or they are yet to make significant money.

    It is a very natural feeling. Wanting to see results fast. And the expectation is increased by all the promises you read of quick results to make money online.

When you listen to well established online entrepreneurs, there is a well known timeline in the online world of blogging to get your online business to have good enough level of traffic to generate a sustainable income. Around 2 years.

What???!!! 2 years. I know, I am controversial by sharing this. Obviously some might take shorter, some might take longer.

2 years doesn’t mean that you will not see income before that or that your traffic will not grow in the meantime.

It means that on average, a sustained effort of weekly content, active promotion, collabs, guest posting and launch of digital and/or affiliate products should build a good income after this period.

This isn’t to discourage you. It is to demonstrate the point that blogging to make money is not a sprint. It is a marathon.

So some ground rules are key to avoid becoming overwhelmed quickly:

  • Don’t compare yourself to others.

  • Things will go probably slower than all the ‘marketing-to-get-rich-fast’ that you read.

  • You will make mistakes, everyone does.

  • Maintain your energy levels because you will have period that can be exhausting.

  • Focus on progress day after day. Incremental and continuous progress builds up to great progress after a while.

  • Be grateful to your small wins.

  • Don’t be afraid to experiment.

  • Keep it up. Surround yourself with people who support you.


for example:

    Think of marathon runners.

    They train and train.

    They carefully manage their energy not to get exhausted too early in the race.

    They will feel exhaustion and an urge to stop at several points through the race.

    To keep on going, they concentrate on the next step, not the finish line.

    They monitor their pace at certain milestones of the race (run time at mile "x").

    They surround themselves of support to chear them up along the race.

    They many times have a higher purpose than the race itself. A charity they run for to raise money for a good cause, for instance.

Your blog and online business is a marathon, not a sprint.


Take action

  • Don't get mentally exhausted by trying to achieve too much too soon.
  • Enjoy your early wins.
  • Establish realistic quarterly goals so that you see your progress.
  • Manage your focus and efforts to be there in the long run.
  • Set a support network around you to keep you going.

You are a super star! Sometimes you will doubt yourself.

The fact that you are doing what you are blogging to make money online is a fantastic achievement. It shows:

  • Your drive.

  • Your creativity.

  • Your spirit to serve others.

  • Your energy to build from zero.

Not many have what you do, so feel superb about your online journey. Your journey might become bumpy at times but it is soooooooo amazing!

9 mistakes to avoid when blogging to make money online. Bonus tip: blogging is not a sprint is a marathon.

Blogging mistakes: If you only have 5min, read this!

When you start blogging, your learning curve is significant but… when you start blogging to make money online, your learning curve goes through the roof.

Many things to understand and implement.

A weekly schedule to publish content.

The pressure and anxiety to generate revenue.

Whether you’ve started to blog recently or have been blogging for a while, these 9 big mistakes when blogging to make money online are easy to fall into.

Avoid them and you can accelerate your blogging success!


What you have learned:

Here are the 9 mistakes to avoid when blogging to make money online and how to fix them fast:

  1. Not leveraging the power of Pinterest when blogging to make money.
  2. Taking too long to launch your website because you want to do it all.
    • Start with your content. Get your blog running, even if you don’t have anything else.
    • Get your email list in place.
    • Expand to monetising your blog in a phased approach. Start simple and build sophistication little by little (e.g. sales funnels, automations in your list...).
  3. Not being clear on who you are blogging for to make money. You need to:
    • Niche down your target audience.
    • Research your niche.
  4. Not being yourself when blogging.
    • Be authentic.
    • Share your story. Show you are vulnerable.
  5. Creating content randomly without a plan.
    • Define what you are going to promote in each month.
    • Plan content related to the product or affiliate you will be promoting.
    • Publish your content in advance of your product sales campaigns.
  6. Not spending enough effort promoting (versus creating).
    • Follow the 80-20 rule: 80% marketing your content, 20% content creation.
  7. Not investing in your blog, your business and you.
    • Your website.
    • Tailwind for Pinterest traffic.
    • Your graphic design tool: Canva Pro.
    • Your online business tools for email list, landing pages, ecommerce, automated sales funnels, memberships, helpsdesk and video: Kartra.
    • Yourself: invest in great online courses.
  8. Not focusing on building your blog network.
  9. Forgetting the power of an abundance mindset.
    • One of your superpowers is your mindset.
    • Maintain an abundance mindset.

Your BONUS tip: Blogging to make money online is a marathon... not a sprint.

That’s it. 9 big mistakes to avoid when blogging to make money online. Make a note of at least one mistake you want to address this week and make it a priority to take action. It will feel soooo good.

Discover how to avid 9 blogging mistakes to make money online.

What next?

As you have seen, these mistakes when blogging to make money online are simple to avoid.

Many times with mistakes, the key is your awareness.

When you ride on the road and you know a pothole is coming, you can avoid it. Here it is exactly the same.

Now you have an easy and short repertoire of mistakes and how to avoid them to make money from your blog and online business.

I would love to know whether you have struggled with any of these (or any others).


Please let me know in the comments

  • What do you struggle most when blogging to make money online?

A HUGE thank you for being with me until the end.

I’ve loved sharing this with you and I thank you for taking the time to read and find value in my blog! It is really a pleasure to see to here!

Don’t forget to get your Free Visuals Collection if you have not got it yet to help you with free Canva templates as well as styled photos and video for business use*.


Hi! I’m Isabel


Visual content creation is my passion

The sea is my happy place!


For years and years I have created and produced content, in particular visual content. You can find me very often with my cameras and tripod out and about! 

My passion: to help you with your online presence and drive business growth through my blog and visuals collections (marketing templates, styled photos & video).

Ah, I have also worked for 24+ in the corporate world, leading quite a mix: transformation, marketing, coaching, sales, productivity, programme management, investments and product management. 

I love sharing all these skills with you in my blog.

I am also founder of Agavea Properties, our family holiday rental business.  My husband and I lead it with the passion with one goal in mind: serving our customers to create a memorable holiday experience for them.

So there you have it, that’s me! Ah... I almost forgot, my happy place is by the sea

Thanks for being here with me!

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