5 essential Pillars to unlock 6 figure passive income to achieve your money goals faster

Pursuing your 6 figure passive income ideas is truly exciting… until everything can become too much. Discover 5 essential pillars to unlock 6 figure passive income to achieve your money goals faster:

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The untold truth about 6 figure passive income

The myth of easily making 6 figure passive income fast

6 figure passive income feels like the El Dorado quest for that promised place with piles of gold. It feels unbelievable yet so irresistible not to try. You have read about it… and you want it!

The so-called 8-hour-a-week business. Sounds brilliant. You want that, oh yesss! Many promise to get a 6 figure passive income business super quick! It is the kind of get-rich-super-fast recipe.

But your online business day-to-day feels very different from an 8-hour week when you start. You work longer hours, during the week… and the weekend. You’re:

  • throwing hours in free Facebook groups, for a follow-for-follow promise—that will get your social media counter moving.

  • squeezing your brain day-in-day-out about your next piece of content—that is the one that has to go viral.

  • watching Google Analytics traffic increase so ever slooooooowly—you refresh it ever so often to see no difference.

  • battling the puzzle of new tools (you feel so confused about all the options and how to use them)

What??? No one warned you that you would feel so overwhelmed pursuing this 6 figure passive income dream.

And it is normal, my friend. The out-front effort to set up your passive income ideas, go through the learning curve, and reach the other end without giving up can’t be underestimated.


The 6-figure passive income promise is possible

What can you do to make it easier for you?

Here come the 5(+1) essential pillars to unlock 6 figure passive income to achieve your money goals faster:

  1. Your audience: Start growing your online audience first

  2. Your purpose: The must-have clarity to your 6 figure money goals

  3. Your tools: Get the right setup to save precious time

  4. Your processes: Work smart to make your 6 figure passive income dream a reality

  5. Your communities: Because going at it alone isn’t the answer

When you add to these 5 focus on building a growth mindset… things will come together for you, my friend. With these 5 foundations, you will have a structured way to eliminate your overwhelm to build your online dream.

Let’s look at each to be specific about what you can do right now.

You have the online entrepreneur spirit needed to make a 6 figure passive income! Yeah! You've read countless lists of passive income ideas but the struggle to reach your money goals is real. You've started to wonder whether you can achieve 10k month

1. Your audience: start growing your online audience first

What 90% of online entrepreneurs miss

Can you imagine Taylor Swift organizing a worldwide tour just to sing in front of empty stadiums… *Unimaginable*, isn’t it?

Unknowingly, many end up promoting to no one online. Sounds strange?

As a solopreneur, the list of things to do is literally limitless. 90% of online business entrepreneurs focus first on creating a stunning website or creating for months a perfect product.

The thing is, time is money. The #1 strategy that 6 figure entrepreneurs get right is to concentrate their efforts on audience growth from the beginning.

Your online audience is EVERYTHING to make money online.

No online audience, no sales.

What comes next might surprise you!

Having a flashy website and impressive products to sell shouldn’t be your #1 online business priority.

Audience and email list growth are.

What you need to focus on first for 6 figure passive income

Think burgers. If you have a craving for one, you have so many choices to get one right away. However, if you want freshly grown and picked strawberries, you need to wait because it takes time.

Audience and email list growth also takes time. So the earlier you start, the better.

Plus, once people are in your world, it will take time for them to get to know you and buy from you.

So even if you decide to throw money into ads, conversions can take some time (on average 37 touches with your content).

How to gain time building your online audience and email list

Gain time by creating content that can be found again and again by search.

My platform of choice is Pinterest:

  • It has the highest intention of buying users

  • You can create your Pinterest content in just 4 hours a month

  • Your content is searchable, so discoverable for years of traffic

Don’t know where to start with Pinterest? Here is my FREE cheatsheet with the 7 Essential Steps To Kickstart Your Pinterest For Traffic On Autopilot.

7 Essential Steps To Kickstart

Your Traffic On Autopilot With Pinterest

The ultimate cheat sheet to get started on Pinterest for audience growth and lead generation (even if you haven't used Pinterest for business before)

Get your FREE Cheat Sheet now


2. Your purpose: The must-have clarity to achieve your 6 figure money goals

It is about you

You quite certainly have online entrepreneurs you look up to. You want to be as successful as them (half of their success would still be fab!).

This creates inspiration and sets ambition but…

It is important that you think also about yourself. What you really want to achieve. What is your dream and what you will be happy with?

Your purpose: Be clear about what YOU want and why.

Clarity about your purpose will drive your brand messaging, content creation, goals, and priorities. Importantly, it will attract the right audience that will LOVE what you do.


Be clear about your mission and vision

At the beginning of pursuing online passive income ideas, you’ll catch yourself replicating someone else’s success while not spending enough time considering your strategy, goals, and priorities.

You might feel that business strategy is a waste of time. You wouldn’t be alone. Here is my own experience with business strategy:

for example:

    I remember in my corporate days that one of the most dread meetings by everyone was the "Strategy Workshop"!

    These were sometimes 2-full-day sessions with all functions in a pretty large room for hours on end. Sales, product, finance, ops, HR, strategy teams...

    The look on their faces was never one of delight. It was one of... "ok, let's go through this so that's over!"

    Why? Because knowing what you set up as your strategy takes difficult discussions, makes you face unknowns, highlights risks facing your ambitions, and confronts you to having to choose certain paths while you want it all...

    Especially because most of the people in the room preferred to get on with things. Move into action. The action felt more tangible. Strategy... ach... so difficult.

    The fact is that the less commitment the people in the room had to agree on a strategy they truly believed in... the less success we had in the year.

At this stage for you and your online business, it is only you. No big cross-functional teams to gather in the room. Still the point is the same.

At this stage, you’re probably eager to run into DOING (for example getting your website done).

My friend, just wait for you to launch yourself into that endless to-do list. Spend some time defining your “why”.

  • Why you have started online

  • What you want to achieve

  • How you want to change others’ lives

It is one of the best investments in time you will make.

No need for it to take long. You just need CLARITY.

Otherwise what you create, and what you say will have no clear purpose, will sound like others, and importantly, when you hit some tough times (yes, they exist!), you won’t have something solid to anchor yourself to.

Take action

Here are a series of questions to answer to get clarity on your why:

  • YOUR VISION: What is your dream? What do you want to achieve in a totally ideal world without constraints with your online passive income ideas?
  • YOUR WHY (MISSION): Why are you doing it? What is your mission? Why will it matter to your customers? What is in it for them?
  • YOUR PASSIONS: What do you love doing? What do you do when you don't count the hours you spend doing something?
  • YOUR SKILLS: What are your strengths? What do people around you tell you are brilliant at?

Take 30-60 minutes to answer these questions to define the purpose of your online passive income ideas.

Also, don’t miss this special blog about how your core business values drive your business action daily:

How To Effortlessly Share Your Brand Values To Attract Loyal Clients (Includes Core Values Examples) By Ashlee Sang


Understand your ideal clients deeply

Imagine a waltz or a tango. When the dance comes together seamlessly, it’s when both dancers are in sync. Things flow naturally. It feels like they read each other’s minds.

Your 6 figure passive income business also needs that. You, my friend, are going to get intimate with your ideal client. Haha! Sound strange?

Here is what I mean:

Take action

Here are a series of questions to answer to research your IDEAL CLIENTS:

  • Who are your ideal customers?
  • What are their struggles?
  • What are their long-term life dreams?
  • What are their goals in the next 12 months?
  • What have they tried that hasn't worked for them?
  • What questions do they ask?
  • What are they frustrated with?
  • What are their insecurities and fears? What is holding them back?
  • Where do they hang around online?

Invest at least a full day (better a week) researching your ideal target client.

Having answers to these Qs will transform your results.

It is paramount that you know how to answer these Qs without hesitation and with plenty of detail. It’s the foundation for your audience build, irresistible sales pages, email marketing with fab engagement, and products your clients LOVE.

Here is another free gift for you. My FREE Cheatsheet to leverage ChatGPT to research your audience and create content that delights them:

Must-have guide

FREE ChatGPT Prompts

for a Content for Leads (not just likes)

Grab my exact ChatGPT prompts to create irresistible content that sounds like you.

The must-do strategies to: feed context for answers that work for your biz, do audience research in a fraction of the time, plan social media content ideas for weeks, shortcut your blog creation process, uplevel your Pinterest pinning, and more!

(plus Chat GPT pro-tips that make all the difference!)

Get your FREE Chat GPT Prompts now


Time to set your 6 figure passive income goals and priorities

The good news? Time to bring it all together into your goals and priorities. But, be warned, spending too long just strategizing is a waste of time.

Some of us (yeap! I am one of them), love getting the detail right. The risk you run is to spend too much time in the planning and strategy phases before moving into action.

Seriously, many get stuck at this stage because they seek perfection or are held back by their insecurities. That was me too!

Take action

  • What can you bring to your ideal client as a solution?
  • What are people offering currently?
  • What are the gaps in your market?
  • How will your product or service feel different?

Invest 1 hour brainstorming ideas and the rest of the day to decide and set your goals.

Obviously, I could write a whole blog on this subject. This is just a very quick summary.

In a nutshell, the more you have clarity when you start, the better, as you will have less rework and when you face challenges down the road, you have a purpose that guides you to keep on going.

Importantly, get into action. Don’t wait for all to be super clear. It will always evolve. It is a balance.

Pro Tip

  • Keep it simple at the beginning. Trying too much could drag you down. Simple achieves progress EVERY TIME!

If you want to know how to set up goals you will achieve, copy my framework from 29 years of experience in business strategy and business planning:


Be realistic

Passive income ideas aren’t a 100m race, they are more an endurance one. In a 5000-meter race, when you use up all your energy at the beginning, you get exhausted fast and can’t find the energy to finish the race.

The comparison game is dangerous too. When you compare yourself with successful businesses, you can despair before you have given yourself a real chance.

The thing is, there is lots of marketing promising $1000s easily and quickly. I might shock you with what comes next… I like to keep it real around here, my friend! While you need ambition, go into it with the knowledge that get-rich-quickly-without-effort schemes do not tend to come true.

It can take longer than you think.

It is very common to see new bloggers anxious about their traffic not growing in the first 3 months. Any business has a setup period. Online business too! Expect it and don’t over-expect results. Progress is a great result.

So don’t overstretch yourself or over-expect lightning-fast success. When you set realistic expectations, you keep *focused*. Perseverance and focus are key.

Here are two techniques to achieve steady progress:

  • define a roadmap, a very high-level plan of what you want to have done by when

  • get an accountability buddy

Take action

These will keep you grounded:

  • Have roadmap: Define a high-level plan of what you want to have done by when in the next 12 months.
  • Be realistic: Embrace that any business needs a setup period before results.
  • Get an accountability buddy : Reach to someone who can help you keep on track and motivated.

PRO-TIP: Learn to develop resilience (yeap, not everything will happen the way you planned it).

With a clear purpose, your skills and a high level plan, you will get there.

The reality about 10k passive income + 4 ways to achieve your money goals faster | Isabel Talens  You've read countless lists of passive income ideas but the struggle to reach your money goals is real. You know you have the drive yet you've started t

3. Your tools: Get the right setup to save precious time

Online tools… what a nightmare of choice!

You can spend a considerable amount of time just reading reviews and comparisons between different apps and tools.

Then you start doing the sums. *Wow, I didn’t know I needed these tools! I haven’t got the budget for this!*. And then even more time reading and watching YouTube videos to try to use freebies. Feels familiar???

I’m quite a tech person (IYKYK: I get into CSS code). Still, I feel overwhelmed by online tools. So many systems to choose from and then master.

Here are my best online tools pick, that I use EVERY DAY. Let’s start with the one that will absolutely move your online business forward as a 6 figure passive income entrepreneur.


Forget the paper diaries (free!)

Think about what you are going to use to manage your workload. Start with this one thing.

Forget the paper diaries if you want to be efficient.

My absolute favorite is Asana to schedule your tasks into different projects with a single list of daily tasks, reflected in my calendar.

The best of it all? You can use the free version of Asana for project management. Neat!

Instead of going on and on here on how to use it I have something super special for you!

My friend Louise Henry’s FREE video workshop to learn how to organize your business like a 6 figure entrepreneur:


You can reflect on your workflows and processes in Asana and let the tool remind you what needs to be done when for you. Fab for peace of mind.

Using Asana helps you remove the need to remember so many things. That in itself removes plenty of overwhelm.

Take action

Use Asana as your project management tool to manage your workloads. Use them to:

  • Organise your to-do-list into different projects
  • Schedule your priorities.
  • Reflect your workflows and repetitive processes.
  • Communicate with others what they need to do by when.

Let Asana prompt you what you need to complete each day/week instead of having to have it all in your head or on paper.

Here is a pro-tip that many forget to share when talking about any project management tool:

Pro Tip

Habit comes from repetition.

  • Keep on using Asana until you get into the habit of how it works.
  • At the beginning you might be tempted to go back to your paper to-do list. Try a bit longer. You will get hooked! 😀

With Asana, you’ll gain focus, free time and peace of mind that you’re doing what it takes for your 6 figure passive income goals!


Your core business tools

To make it simple, there are generally speaking 3 types of choices:

  1. the freebies / very low-cost tools. You use these generally speaking when you can only start your activity with a very low investment and you decide to go down the root of all free as much as possible.

  2. the best of breed for individual functions but requiring integration, which frankly, when you start is yet another headache.

  3. the all-in-one tools that may not provide the total flexibility of customization but provide the simplicity of one interface for many functions.

There are so many combinations. The above are just simple examples.

for example:

    Let's look at an example for each of these cases:

  • The freebies / very low cost:
    • a Wix account for your website, with a free Mailchimp account for your email list and your online course hosted on your website.
  • The best of breed for an individual function but requiring integrations:
    • Squarespace for your website, Converkit for your email list, Teachable for your online course, and Deadfunnels for your landing pages.
  • The all-in-one tools :
    • Kartra for your website, email list, online course membership, and automated sales funnels.
  • There are so many combinations. The above are just examples.

While it is understandable to start by minimizing your costs by using mostly freebies, be prepared for limitations, headaches, and quite probably complex migrations when you start growing and need to move to other tools with more functionality.

Be mindful of the standalone, best-of-breed tools. They can seem like THE best option. Their big disadvantage? You’ll need many, that you need to learn and integrate. Achhhh! That’s many different places for tool headaches.

My choice isn’t freebies or standalone-best-of-breed tools. I always choose SIMPLICITY and look at where my biz will ned in 6-12 months time.

So what do I use? Kartra, the all-in-one marketing platform where I get all of this in one:

  • email marketing

  • digital products set-up

  • sign-up forms

  • sales pages

  • sequence automation

  • sales funnels

  • media storage (video, graphics, PDFs…)

  • online course platform

  • online calendar for bookings

  • affiliate marketing

  • online surveys

  • online webinars

  • real-time analytics

Seriously, ALL of that is in one single tool. Mega cool!

Not only you will save months of tool learning curves, but you’ll also save so many tech nightmares and money!

Want to know more about Kartra? Here is my blog with all my experience, hacks, and a special offer for you.


Kartra will also provide you with an end-to-end view of your customers and your leads in one place. Very powerful when it comes to faster 6 figure passive income results.


Save time scheduling content weeks in advance

The day you discover the wonders of scheduling your content on Pinterest weeks in advance, you will save as much as a day per week!

For that, my choice is Tailwind.

I have a full in-depth blog with video tutorials on how to extract maximum value for traffic with Tailwind: Discover My Secrets To Maximise Your Website Traffic With Tailwind For Pinterest And Be Super Productive.

Don’t forget toDiscover My Secrets To Maximise Your Website Traffic With Tailwind For Pinterest And Be Super Productive":


Expect hiccups

Tech will always give some bad days, inevitably... don’t get frustrated! I love tech… but I also have days when tech can drive me crazy! 😂

The best with tech, when you start your online passive income ideas, is:

  • Keep it simple.

    • Minimise integrations between different software.

    • Complexity is the place for tech issues.

  • Use tools that offer 24/7 support and chats (check this before you buy).

  • Test, test, test before going live.

  • Anticipate what you do if something goes wrong. Do you have a backup plan?

Start simple and move the complexity up when you have more in-depth knowledge, and only if you need to.

Here comes an anecdote from my own experience on this:

for example:

    Sometimes tech bites you even when you think you have everything under control...

    Not very long ago... last week in fact (haha!), tech just played up with me.

    After writing my email for my email list, and doing a test to ensure the email looked ok when received, I decided to change I tiny, unimportant detail in the email... That's the perfectionist in me!

    I did not expect that to change anything in the integrity of the email, so I did not retest it again. I pressed send.

    The result? My mail went out to my list without the personalization! It started: "Hey {first_name}!" L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y.!

    I could not believe my eyes when I saw it!!!!! HORROR! PURE HORROR!!!

    Luckily, I have myself included in my email list, to receive the emails I send out, to ensure I have eyes on the final product after it goes out. That day, that extra layer of checks enabled me to know about the hiccup and to go back to the people on my list to apologize and correct the mistake.

    The learning lesson: test, test, test. And retest! :-)

    The second one: accept that tech might just get you from time to time. Don't despair. Learn and move on.

Obviously, many times you get what you pay for. Freebie tools are tempting but may come with less support when needed.

When you hit an issue, be patient, and reach out to the tool support team and also to your community, to see if they can help you with their experience. And this brings me to the 4 pillars to eliminate your overwhelm to make your passive income ideas a reality.

7 easy steps to face your fears. Mindset for entrepreneurs.

4. Your processes: Work smart to make your passive income ideas a reality

Set up routines and workflows

As you start going through similar activities week after week, there is a certain pattern that will start to become clear. Those are workflows and routines.

for example:

    If you blog, you can see that you have a number of steps you keep on repeating:

    • Decide the subject of your next blog.
    • Research your subject for external data points.
    • Outline the content.
    • Search keywords for SEO.
    • Write your blog.
    • Proof read it.
    • Search up or create your photos and videos.
    • ...

    I will stop here, obviously the list goes on.

You regularly follow a certain pattern to produce an output. This pattern is a workflow.

The quicker you establish your workflows and schedule the tasks in your week, the less you think about what you have to do and the more you just get on with doing it. The brain power does not need to wonder what is next, you know it.

As you develop routines in your online business, you’ll feel more in control.

I have my workflows reflected in Asana. That keeps me sane!

As your business evolves, you’ll adapt your routines and workflows. That’s perfectly ok. See what works and see what you think doesn’t and adapt it. Optimizing is great.

Take action

Identify your workflows and routines and schedule them to move from a bunch of unrelated actions in your to-do-list that feels disjointed to an organized approach to what you need to do to achieve a certain output:

  • Identify what steps you do regularly to produce a certain result. Those are your workflows.
  • Write them down and assign a regularity (for a blog, weekly for instance).
  • Schedule each task to a day in the week (or the month), and make those tasks recurrent as needed.

Now you know what needs doing. Bye-bye to feeling overwhelmed.


The 3 basic rules of productivity

Your next steps in the path to a 6 figure passive income business relies on these 3 productivity rules:

  • Learn to say ‘no’ to others and yourself, and prioritize.

  • Delegate: you don’t need to do it all.

  • Automate: Use tools that remove the repetitive, time-consuming tasks so you concentrate on spending your time on what you and only you can do.

for example: Learn to say "no" (specially to yourself!)

    Imagine someone mentions to you that Tiktok is better than Instagram.

    You're already investing time growing your Instagram & Pinterest marketing These 2 platforms are already taking a significant amount of your effort and time.

    You are still not where you want to be on these two...

    Should you start doing Tiktok too? Or maybe YouTube?

    As an online entrepreneur, you're going to be faced with opportunties along the way. Constantly. FOMO, the fear of missing out, is real.

    Learning to say "no" is a way to keep you focused.

Obviously, not everything should have a “no” as an answer. That’s where the art of being an entrepreneur comes. You can also delegate.

But what do I mean by delegating when you haven’t got a team?

As surprising as it can feel, you, my friend, can delegate day-to-day tasks to those around you. Let me explain...

For example

    Here are some simple options for you:

  • Delegate some of the house to-do's (weekly shopping, cooking, cleaning, school run...).
  • Shop online instead of going to the grocer's.
  • Get a takeaway once a week.
  • If you have a blog, why not invite guest posts? It will start building your network of collaborations.

If you want to get a full set of techniques to be focused and productive, don’t forget to check out my blog on The #1 Thing You Need To Be Productive:


Batch your work

Once you understand your workflows and have prioritized your work, you can take your ways of working one step up.

Instead of doing everything in a serial way, batch activities.

for example:

    Instead of creating a new pin design every day for your daily pinning on Pinterest, create all the pin designs for the week at once.

    Some bloggers write several blogs on the same day.

    You can schedule your social media posts in batches in advance.

    You could also record 2-3 podcasts on the same day.

Batching is a very effective mechanism to focus on one type of activity during a certain time and maximize the outputs.

It is scientifically proven that your brain takes some time to change from one task to another. Multitasking is inefficient because of this.

When you batch your work, you maximize what you get done once your brain is wired and focused on a certain type of work. Super productive!

The efficiency of batching also comes from all the time savers related to the logistics.

for example: Recording a course module

    When you record a video for your online course, you are likely to be setting up a number of things around you. Lights, microphones, cables, background, testing the equipment...

    Once you have finished recording, you also need to do a number of repetitive actions: downloading, backing up, disconnecting your equipment, and putting it away.

    You are better off recording, let's say, 3 modules of your course at once than only one, as you only do all of the setup tasks for the actual recording.

Batching might feel a bit strange at the beginning. Just give it a go with one of your activities. Social media posts are a good way to start.

You will get the hang of it and once you have tasted it, you will be more inclined to batch more things. Not everything can be batched though!

Take action

  • Try batching one set of easy activities to start with.
  • Once you've successfully batched, try other activities to batch.
  • Don't try to batch everything at once.

Repurpose your content

As a passive income online entrepreneur, you’re going to put quite a lot of effort into creating your content regularly. To maximize the impact of one piece of content, repurpose it.

Repurposing means that from one piece of content, you reuse it in many different ways and platforms. This makes your content go so much further.

You’ll be able to increase the number of people you reach and your traffic from one piece of content. Fab, isn’t it?

Take action

  • Repurpose 1 piece of your content this week.

If you want to discover many ways to repurpose your content, check out my blog on 41 Ways To Repurpose Your Content To Explode Your Blog Reach & Website Traffic:


Experiment and invest in personal development

Small changes can make a real difference. Sometimes you just need to try a different way to do a certain thing.

It is your business, It is your time.

Experimenting is a great way to optimise but changing constantly is inefficient. There is never a single way to do something, learn to find the ones that work for you.

Want to dig deeper into how to make money online? Here are, my friend, a range of blogs that do exactly that!


5. Your communities: Because going at it alone isn’t the answer

Now that you have seen the importance of your strategy, your processes, and your tools, let’s get into the most invaluable of your assets. One that will make or break your success with your online passive income ideas: your communities.


Your community of fans

In today’s world, your success is going to deeply depend on your ability to build a community of super fans. People who love what you do, who you are, and your values.

Note that I am not talking about your customers. It is a wider concept than just customers. Some will follow your accounts or join your email list because of your content. Many may never buy from you. Still, they will recommend you to others. They become far more important to your success than an ad campaign.

Provide value and maintain consistent and regular contact. Your community of super fans can also provide you with insights before a product development or testimonials.

So audience, audience, audience needs to be your motto.


Support communities

As well as your audience of super fans, It is necessary to find support communities around you.

These are communities you can go to for questions, doubts, challenges, help

You have various types of support communities:

  • Your close circle of friends and other close online entrepreneurs.

  • Free Facebook private or public groups.

  • Private paying communities you have joined through courses or memberships.

What is essential is to have people you can openly approach in moments of need. Their help can be truly invaluable at crucial moments to make your passive income ideas a reality.

They are not your community of followers or email list. You should be able to reach for open feedback for instance. They can easily help with tech questions and so much more.

Nurture your support communities.

Give. Give. Give. When you will ask for support you will be more likely to get great value back.

for example

    If you are going to launch for the first time a product and lack testimonials, you could ask your support community to help you out with testimonials about your ways of working or quality of work.

Community is a pillar that many forget. Balance your time to build a community around you.

Take action

Plan to dedicate a significant amount of your time to your communities, both for your super fan base as well as your supporting communities.

  1. Daily engagement through your social channels is essential. Don't be shy and show up on video too. Be you. Authenticity is key to connecting. Showing up on video is a tough one for many, including me (haha!). Work on it little by little.
  2. Help others in your community without asking for anything. Share insights and advice. Offer help. This will enable you to reach out for help when you need too.

Invest in your communities, regularly and full-heartedly.

After years of growing my online audience, let me tell you, my friend, Pinterest is the place to inspire your audience (and where they take action!). Get started on Pinterest here:


Your BONUS tip: Your mindset brings it all together

You’ve made great progress, my friend! You know now how to approach the 5 pillars to make your 6 figure passive income ideas a reality:

  • Your audience

  • Your purpose

  • Your tools

  • Your processes

  • Your communities

I still have one important bonus tip for you… because you are still very likely to overstretch yourself.

Remind yourself that you are running your own race. Set your own rhythm.

Trying too much too soon will really generate anxiety. One step after the other is much better. Steady and constant progress.

Take action

  • Pace yourself.
  • Run your race.
  • Don't compare your progress with your online idols. It is great to have models, but not to overstretch yourself.
  • Be aligned with yourself and enjoy the journey!

This piece is more mental than anything else. It is important to be happy at your own pace.

Yes! Your mindset will be your biggest helper. So here is a list of great reminders to support a positive mindset:

  • Pursue a balanced life as an online entrepreneur.

  • Create boundaries between your free time and your business. Don’t forget to take days off! Give yourself permission.

  • Fail fast, learn, and move on. Move on from disappointments.

  • Celebrate small wins.

  • Dare to ask for help and support.

  • Don’t forget why you’re doing it.

  • Be aligned with yourself. Don’t try to be someone else.

  • And… enjoy the journey!

Until such point, I worked on building my growth mindset, but my results were lagging. I feared to show up, I didn’t believe in myself, I wasn’t behaving like the next version of myself.

So after a lot of learning through mistakes, up-skilling, and personal coaching, here are some blogs you can’t miss:

What you have learned:

  • Ditch the myth that 6 figure passive income is a get-super-rich-fast scheme that happens overnight.
  • Don't underestimate the out-front effort.
  • Work on these 5 key pillars:
    • Grow your online audience with Pinterest.
    • Define your purpose, goals, and priorities.
    • Use Asana and Kartra to manage your online business as a 6 figure entrepreneur.
    • Establish simple workflows and routines.
    • Build strong communities of fans and support.
  • Never forget that nothing is as powerful as your growth mindset and remaining aligned with your values.
5 ways to reach your online money goals as 6 figure passive income entrepreneurs do | Isabel Talens  You have the online entrepreneur spirit needed to make a 6 figure passive income! Yeah! You've read countless lists of passive income ideas

What next?

You got this!

The fact that you are pursuing your own online passive income ideas to make them a reality is a huge achievement. Feel super proud! Enjoy every moment, even the challenging ones!

Feeling overwhelmed is part of the journey. Now you have a structured framework to combat it and eliminate it.

And please, don’t forget to tell me:

Please let me know in the comments

  • What are your biggest struggles with your passive income online business?

Yet another HUGE thank you from me for being here until the end of this post.

I truly believe it is an absolute privilege to know that you read and find value in my blog!

Access here instantly Louise Henry’s FREE video workshop to learn how to work like a 6 figure passive income entrepreneur:


Hi! I’m Isabel


Visual content creation is my passion

The sea is my happy place!


For years and years I have created and produced content, in particular visual content. You can find me very often with my cameras and tripod out and about! 

My passion: to help you with your online presence and drive business growth through my blog and visuals collections (marketing templates, styled photos & video).

Ah, I have also worked for 24+ in the corporate world, leading quite a mix: transformation, marketing, coaching, sales, productivity, programme management, investments and product management. 

I love sharing all these skills with you in my blog.

I am also founder of Agavea Properties, our family holiday rental business.  My husband and I lead it with the passion with one goal in mind: serving our customers to create a memorable holiday experience for them.

So there you have it, that’s me! Ah... I almost forgot, my happy place is by the sea

Thanks for being here with me!

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