Online launch : Advice You Wish You Had Read Earlier From 25 Amazing Online Course Creators & Online Coaches
Thinking about an online launch to boost your revenue as online course creator or online coach? Does it feel like a daunting challenge that you don’t know how to prepare for?
Or maybe you’ve done an online launch before and the experience left you exhausted or disappointed…
Find here what many don’t tell you about an online launch.
Honest, open, raw advice from 25 online course creators and coaches about their online launch experience and learnings. After this, your online launch won’t be the same!
Nothing better than learning from amazing online entrepreneurs, from solopreneurs to multiple six figures businesses, who have been there, launched online and done it successfully! They’re based all around the world and address a fascinating variety of online learning experiences. Fascinating!
Keep on reading to hear all about it!
Get ready to be super inspired!
I feel honoured to be able to bring this blog to you. No matter what niche you’re in, what stage of your online business you’re at, you’ll find so many golden nuggets here!
I also love how authentic their inputs are. A true reflection of their experience and drive to help other online course creators and coaches. Some say it in a few words, some expand into paragraphs. And I find that great! Different styles, different approaches, different niches, different personalities, different learnings, different takes.
There are clear common points. Read through and we can compare notes at the end!
Happy reading! And importantly, happy online launch!
"Building and nurturing your audience in between launches is just as important as the launch itself."
Louise is such an amaaaaaaazing educator!!
Don’t miss her YouTube channel and her online courses! I’ve done a number of them and I am such a HUGE fan. Results and transformation every time! I’m forcing myself not to keep on going on how impactful Louise’s content and courses is…
You can find all about them in her website.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Your first launch is just that - your first! So try not to put too much pressure on the results.
Simply getting to the point where you’re ready to launch your offer is an incredible accomplishment and requires a ton of work (completing your program, creating your sales page, hosting your launch event, sharing social content, sending out sales emails etc).
So my best piece of advice if you’re launching your program for the first time is to let go of any expectations about your results.
All the hard work you’ve done to prepare for your first launch can be repurposed again and again, and you’ll be able to make improvements every time. Your audience will also keep growing, which means your results will get stronger and stronger!
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
My last launch reinforced an important lesson for me.
Building and nurturing your audience in between launches is just as important as the launch itself.
It’s crucial that you consistently show up for your audience, warm them up, and share free value first, before you present your offer. On top of this, new leads need to be coming in regularly.
Before my last launch, I neglected growing and nurturing my audience, and it affected my results.
Remember, launching is just a numbers game! Focus your energy on audience growth and increasing visibility, and then launch again - it will get better and more profitable each time.
"Plan everything. A lot of people will just plan out the content, but everything else needs to be planned too."
I absolutely love her mission: “I built my business around one single goal: to help you feel free.”
For more insights from Amanda, check out her website.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Plan everything - the launch schedule, the deliverables, what needs to be created/updated, the content, the topics, the time investment on your end, the logistics.
A lot of people will just plan out the content, but everything else needs to be planned too:
How will you deliver information,
what platforms will you use and when do you need to sign up for those,
what happens after the course ends and how do you prepare people for that,
how do people find you and hear about your product…
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
To release the outcome and use everything as data.
If you hit your goals, awesome, now figure out why so you can repeat it.
If you didn't hit your goals, awesome, now figure out why so you can use that information for the next launch.
"Learn from those who have successfully launched before!"
Don’t miss Steffi YouTube channel, whether or not you’re into interior styling, it’s certain to inspire you!
Steffi has plenty of great tips that create instant impact. Check out Moda Misfit for more.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Learn from those who have successfully launched before!
I love soaking up as much knowledge I can from fellow online entrepreneurs through their podcasts, YouTube channels, and paid courses.
I don't think I would have any any clue how to even begin launching my course if I hadn't spent quality time learning how to do it from people I admire!
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
It's so tempting to throw in as many bells and whistles as possible into a launch, but sometimes doing too many things can actually detract from the bigger picture - especially when you're new at launching.
I'm definitely focusing on simplifying my next launch, and really pouring my energy into fewer strategies done well - rather than spreading myself thin over many strategies!
"Take imperfect action - don't overthink it, just do it."
Wow!!!! Melody is such a great source of insights for launches! Launches are her thing!
Have you seen her industry references??!!! Wow!
For more about Soloprenista and Melody, don’t miss her website.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Launch BEFORE you create your product.
This is the #1 way to validate your offer before you spend months creating it. It also allows you to glean valuable info from your audience during the launch process that you can incorporate into your final product. They'll think you read their minds and have a much better student experience!
As a launch strategist, I've worked with clients on dozens of launches, and the least successful client launches had one key thing in common: they didn't pre-launch. My clients had a great idea, spent months creating a course or program, THEN tried to sell it without knowing if it was something their audience was willing to pay for.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Take imperfect action - don't overthink it, just do it.
"Build your audience first before you build your course."
“Clarify student values, strengths, goals, and purpose to gain acceptance to college and graduate in 4 years.”
Greg and Beth’s mission is such a crucial one for our young generations! I’m the mum of a 18-year old who has just started university in London and I can tell you they know they audience inside out.
You can find Greg & Beth amazing biz here: College Flight Plan.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Make sure your product provides a specific solution to your customer's stated pain points.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Build your audience first before you build your course.
You want to ensure that you are meeting their needs with your course.
"The ability to be flexible and create what people are asking for is an important skill to have."
I find fascinating to welcome so many entrepreneurs and different niches to this blog!
Christopher is such a great contributor to one of the online entrepreneurs memberships I am in. It’s really a pleasure to have him here.
To discover more about Christopher, here is his site.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
I would definitely say to get to know your audience very well before you launch.
Ensuring that the material you cover is something they want to know about is critical if you want sales coming through!
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
The ability to be flexible and create what people are asking for is an important skill to have.
"I could have affordably outsourced many tasks but I unnecessarily hung on to them!"
Ok, you know you need to be using video for your biz! Such an important asset to connect and grow your audience.
If you feel you need to step up your video game on camera or public speaking… Liz will make it easy for you. Results in days! Your confidence will boost beyond what you feel possible and you on video will become a natural part of your biz content.
Liz is such a constant source of insights! Check her You Tube channel and website. You’ll be amazed!
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Spend more time warming up your audience than you think you need… the internet has become a noisy place and it’s getting harder to actually reach people.
When you make “lead generation” an active part of your weekly activities, you end up with a strong pool of people in front of you who will be much more likely to be receptive when you launch your course… this will really minimize the stress of worrying about a “failed launch” 🙏🏻
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
I discovered that I could have affordably outsourced many tasks but I unnecessarily hung on to them - assuming that only I could get them done!
If I had hired a VA for even five hours per week, I could have dedicated that time towards audience growth and outreach, and reduced the stress I felt around tasks that were not my specialty!
"It takes longer to plan, coordinate and actually launch than you might think."
Trudy’s specialties are so, so critical to online launches! Quizzes are great for lead generation and audience segmentation. Workshops are a corner stone of online biz.
Don’t you love her business name! Great to attract entrepreneurs to start and grow their business.
You can find more about Trudy biz in the Online Business Lift-Off website.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Ask people if they are interested before putting a lot of time and effort into something people might not need.
It will save you a lot of frustration and possibly tears ...
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
It takes longer to plan, coordinate and actually launch than you might think.
We learned we needed to start sooner so we'd have more time to fit everything in.
"The most important thing is that you start. Creating anything is a messy, imperfect process but no one has to see that bit!"
Fascinating story!!!
Jackie is a fellow UK entrepreneur and has proven that online courses are possible for subjects you may think impossible online!
Such an inspirational story! Find more about Jackie’s Go Wild Forest School in her website.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
It's really easy to feel overwhelmed when you're looking at all the things you need to do and you don't know where to start.
The most important thing is that you start, however you can and with whatever is the easiest thing to do to get you going. Creating anything is a messy, imperfect process but no one has to see that bit!
Something that really helped me to form an idea of what I wanted to do for my first course was to do other online courses. They don't have to be in your niche (it's better that it's not) but knowing what is possible, as well as having a user experience of the different course platforms and formats, makes it a lot easier to clarify what it is that you want to do. This will help your confidence too.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
I work in an industry (outdoor education and forest school) where learning has traditionally always been hands on and in-person. When I made it known that I was planning to launch an online version of my courses there was a lot of opposition from established practitioners and even the main professional organisation. A lot of people couldn't understand how it was possible to teach these skills and they said it couldn't be done.
However, I KNEW it was possible and I knew that I could do it and do it well. So I left the professional organisation and since February I've tripled my business (10 months).
I've learned to be more strategic over the year and I know that in 2022 I can continue that growth in a sustainable way. So I guess my biggest learning is that if you truly know that something is possible, then do it!
Just go for it!
"Be 100% Yourself, so that you attract 100% the students you like to work with."
You might be like me and might have never tried yoga before… Or you may have tried it and not be consistent.
Petra’s yoga practice is super approachable and transmits such well-being. It helps you physically & mentally.
Check out her content and be ready to the feel-good transformation that follows!
For great yoga practice Instagram Lives, follow her here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Be 100% Yourself, so that you attract 100% the students you like to work with.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Although timelines are super important there needs to be some flexibility to avoid burn-out, there needs to be time to reflect and space to tweak and optimize.
Imperfection = perfect!!
"Be kind to yourself and most of all be Patient!""
I’m so thrilled that Dan decided to contribute to this blog. Nothing better to build community than generosity! And yes, another great educator to get you up-skilled to be great on video.
Find Dan great content here:
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Be kind to yourself and most of all be Patient!
No matter how well you know your audience, or plan and build your community, you absolutely cannot predict the outcome of a launch. I have watched large and very well run companies struggle with community launch because it isn't a science. ;)
Also, be open to the idea of building a simple framework and adding and adapting as you go. Even with research and polls and questionnaires - it is really tough to gauge what your members will "actually" want once they are inside your community.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
There are 2 main things people want from community and it isn't in the order that you might think.
Community with others
The reason for this order of importance is because part of the recipe for the results and transformations they want IS the community aspect of community. :)
"Validate your market first. Don't just create a course because maybe, possibly people want to buy it."
Can you believe this?!!!
These are probably the two words that online entrepreneur dread the most: copyright and SEO…
Kerry has brought them together to ensure that copywriting works marvel with Google! Cool, isn’t it?!!!
You can discover all about God Save the SERP here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Validate your market first. Don't just create a course because maybe, possibly people want to buy it.
Validating a market or an idea is as easy as looking on sites like Udemy to see if courses already exist in that niche/topic and checking to see if they have reviews (evidence that people are purchasing them).
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
It doesn't need to be perfect!
I literally emailed some people who were interested in coaching from me and told them I was currently building out an 8 week course/coaching hybrid program and would they be interested in joining?
Those people said yes! I then just sent a daily email to my list talking about the program and a few people got in touch to ask for more info and I sold the last spot from JUST email (no sales page, funnel, webinar etc).
"Sell before you build. I know, that sounds counterintuitive."
Jake entrepreneur story is beyond fascinaaaaaaating!!!!
His book, “Step One. The Surprising Simple Process To Research, Validate, and Choose The Perfect Online Business Idea” is a total must-read.
If you want to know more about Jake, check out The Entrepreneur Ride Along website and you can also read my interview with him in this blog.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Validate your idea BEFORE you launch. Talk to your target market first, and validate the idea before you dive in. Too many times I see new entrepreneurs dive in with an amazing idea, only to find out that nobody wants it. Don’t waste months building a course that no one wants to buy. Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s heartbreaking. Instead, do a little research first and validate your idea before you build the course. Don’t assume you know what your target market wants to buy, let your target market tell you what they want to buy.
This is a simple two-step process to validation:
Talk to your target market. Survey them, offer free coaching calls, go out on social media and ask “what is your #1 biggest struggle?” – let them tell you what they are struggling with. Let them tell you what their challenges are. They are telling you what course you should build. They need your course to solve their problem (their #1 biggest problem). Don’t assume, let your customer tell you what they want to buy.
Sell before you build. I know, that sounds counterintuitive. It’s called a pre-sale. With a presale, your customer pays a reduced rate for the product that you are creating; in return, they get first access to the final product when it is finished. I do this for every product I sell. Before I invest the time and effort into writing a new book or creating a new course, I validate that people want what I am selling. The presale validates your idea; it ensures that you are building a product that people want and proves that your product idea is so good that someone is willing to pay for it even before you have finished creating it. When I launch a presale, I call it my Founding Members Group. Anyone that enrolls in the presale is included in a small group of founding members who get direct access to me and have the opportunity to provide input or feedback to ensure that the final product meets their specific needs. When I pitch the presale, I create a sales page describing the product I envision. I make it clear that the product is not yet finished, but all founding members will get access to the product as it is being created and will receive access to the final product once it is finished. I price the presale at a reduced rate, usually a 50% discount, to encourage early adopters to take advantage of the significant savings. This is how I validate each of my businesses and every product I sell. Once you get a couple paying customers to validate your idea and get feedback on what they want from the product, then you can start building. Then you have validated that people like your idea, because they are paying you money for something that’s not built yet. Then you will know that there are others out there willing to pay you money once the product is finished.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
It wasn't my last launch, but my biggest learning lesson came from my first ever course launch was a total failure. This is where I learned that I need to talk to my target audience, and validate my idea, BEFORE launching. I wasted months building a course that almost no one bought.
Let me tell you that story… after a month of hard work, I applied the finishing touches and launched the website AssociatePI. I began the business with a single online course to help insurance industry employees pass the API 28 exam, the first in a series of three exams for the Associate in Personal Insurance Certification, exams I had already passed. The course had been written, edited, and programmed. It was time to launch, time to get rich. Weeks went by with no sales. Even worse, there was no traffic on my website. I was writing blogs, creating content, and posting on Twitter. My blogs ranked on the first page of Google, so I should have been seeing traffic and making sales; that’s how online business is supposed to work.
After weeks of attempting to sell this one course, I analyzed the market for the API 28 exam. I reached out to my colleagues in the industry and posted a few surveys online to ask what exams people were studying for.
Almost no one was studying for this exam. I was one of a few in the industry that had studied for and passed this exam. It was too niche. And those that were studying for this exam got their study material paid for and provided free from their employer.
I did a little research using the Google Keyword Tool to check search volumes and found that 20 people per month were searching for the term “Associate in Personal Insurance” on Google and only 70 people were searching for “API 28.” Meaning, as a baseline estimate, my market size was about 90 people a month. No wonder I wasn’t getting any sales; no one was taking this exam. No one was searching for what I was selling, no one was out there actively looking for this niche topic. I had made a critical mistake; I was selling something that no one wanted to buy.
I learned, and I pivoted. At that time, in 2015, I had just started studying for the CPCU Certification, a more advanced insurance certification. This time, I did not make the same mistake. Before pivoting and spending weeks writing a new course, I analyzed and validated the market potential of this niche. This time, I found a viable market. Over 12,000 people per month were searching Google for “CPCU.” Additionally, 2,400 people per month were searching Google for the term “CPCU Designation.” Even more importantly, I found that over 600 people per month were searching for the specific term “CPCU 500,” the next online course I was writing. That is a viable niche market. It was large enough, with plenty of search volume, for me to build a niche business. This website now generates upwards of $11,000 in revenue per month from selling online courses to a small but highly targeted niche audience.
I still sell that API 28 online course. I sell, at most, one API 28 course per year. That’s $425 in annual revenue for all the hard work I put in to launch that first online course. If I had not pivoted, if I had not learned this step of analyzing the viability of my target market, I would still be struggling to get rich selling online courses to a market of 90 people.
My biggest learning lesson… validate your market before you launch. If I had talked to my target market and pre-sold this course before investing months of time building the course, I would have known that the course would flop. I would have avoided this product. I could have saved my self-months of hard work if I had just validated my product idea before I launched.
"What makes the difference it's how much you interact with people before launching."
Nana has a fantastic experience and skills.
Project management and side hustler just gives her great insights to help you launch your biz in a planned, efficient and impactful way! She’ll also help you with your productivity and mindset!
Absolutely great content for French speaking entrepreneurs.
Check out Along Avec Nana here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Do not make all the course / programme ready without exterior validation.
Make it along with your client to be sure that it reflects their needs and not what you think they needs.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Strategy is not the main key to have a successful launch.
What makes the difference it's how much you interact with people before launching.
Without communicating with people, talk to them, even though your product is awesome, nobody will buy it.
"My biggest piece of advice is to always be asking yourself the following: What action can they take with what you are giving?"
Didn’t I promise all kind of entrepreneurs and niches?!
Diana is just another example of what extraordinary opportunities online education has opened.
You can learn Diana’s Teach Social Skills here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
My biggest piece of advice is to always be asking yourself the following:
What do you want your students to do with the information you are giving?
How are they going to directly apply what you are teaching?
What action can they take with what you are giving?
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
My biggest learning was to put realistic deadlines and launch dates.
Assume that that things will take a lot longer than you think because so many unanticipated tasks emerge as you progress.
"Keep going! Even if you don't sell anything, refine, debrief and launch again."
Audience built is the one common thing that all online entrepreneurs need to continually do, whatever niche they’re in, whatever strategy they have.
If Facebook and Instagram inorganic growth is part of your plan, Hattie will transform your results!
Check here Funstans Marketing website here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Even if you don't sell anything, refine, debrief and launch again.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
It's not over till it's over!
I sold a seat to my classroom on the last day the cart was open...
Also don’t give TOO much away in the challenge / webinar or people will become overwhelmed and not able to follow through before the classroom has even started
"Advertise way more than you think."
Marla is such an inspirational yoga teacher. I’ve been soo blessed to come across a number of great online yoga educators in the past few months!
You can learn more about Marla Gibson Diaz - Online Yoga Courses here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Advertise way more than you think. you should.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Not sure yet, still in my 1st launch.
"Get a coach to show you the A - Z strategies."
Hilda is so full of energy and great fun. She is in the process of creating her website, Passion To Wealth Academy.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Get a coach to show you the A - Z strategies.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Pre-launch prep and planning is a must.
"Plan as much as you can but don't let perfection stop you from launching."
I looooove seeing online businesses for online courses and coaching being created in other languages than English! Vive la difference!
You can find Sylvie’s La Nouvelle École de Créativité here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Take the time to build your email list.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
I'm not a good example; I never did a 'real' launch by the book; I'm often at the last minute. I sent a few messages a few days before and published an article on Linkedln. And a few people subscribe. I want to improve my marketing in the future.
For now, I sell High ticket programs, and it works a lot based on my reputation and the quality of our programs, word of mouth without launches. Our clients stay faithful. We grow with them.
My biggest lesson would be: Plan as much as you can but don't let perfection stop you from launching. Even if you think you're not ready, it's the best way to learn.
"The more focused you are in bringing in your ideal members to your program, the more focused you can be on providing the most impactful content and transformation for your learners."
So totally thrilled to have Mariette’s contribution to this blog post!
She’s a stunning example of how to serve the small business community right at the heart of what truly makes a real difference to their bottom line and their success, their finances, accounting and strategic thinking!
Mariette is a joy of energy and passion for the community she serves! Inspirational all day long!
You can know more about Mariette’s MasterYourBooks here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
A launch is like opening a new business.
Learn all the moving pieces to a launch before starting your own so you can be aware of the majority of items and puzzle pieces that are involved to create the best first experience possible.
This research includes speaking to a few content creator mentors that can share their wins and learns with you.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
The more focused you are in bringing in your ideal members to your program, the more focused you can be on providing the most impactful content and transformation for your learners.
"Don't make it complicated. Make the course as simple as it can be. "
The world needs soooooo much what Aja does!
Simplifying the world of teaching for both parents and teachers is such an impactful business purpose.
Aja is so much fun! I love her spirit and fresh approach to what she does.
You can discover more about her here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Definitely do the course live as 1-1 coaching before making your videos.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Don't make it complicated. Make the course as simple as it can be.
"Find an angle, a distinction of the launch to be worthy of your lists' attention."
Isn’t it great when online entrepreneur support each other!
So thankful for that Bruce. Bruce and I are in the same membership and it’s fantastic to see how he responded to my call to this roundup blog post! Welcome!
You can know more about Bruce’s Pop Geek Heaven here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
This particular business (I mostly work in consulting these days) is done mostly via email newsletter, not the blog - just FYI.
I've done well over 100 product launches since 1995. My lessons, though, are more product than course centric ones, keep in mind (only two of those launches were membership and course related).
So many lessons learned and still to be learned - that is one important thing to always remember actually.
The #1, though is... DO them. Make it an event. Find an angle, a distinction of the launch to be worthy of your lists' attention. Articulate the uniqueness, the specialness of what you're launching and use persuasive language that is relatable to your list but also follows established copywriting rules, as well.
Study the variations of Jeff Walker's Product Launch Formula and buy his book, at the very least. Find the model fit to your business but still experiment with what feels comfortable. With each launch, try something new and see what length of a launch works better than the previous, what engagement and content devices worked best.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Don't follow what you did on your last launch.
Always look to try something (totally?) new from what you've done previously to keep it interesting. At least until you absolutely know what works best in a more evergreen manner.
"Constantly come back to your own alignment of who you are and vision of where you want this launch to go."
There are people who touch you profoundly in life by their authenticity, their depth of thoughts, and their ability to see beyond the day to day noise.
Annette is one of them. Do not hesitate to jump in one of her webinars to transform immediately the way you see and approach life. Her Hero framework is mindset transformative, by its simplicity and deep impact.
Get to know Annette Wernblad - Stories & Journeys here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Don't try to undertake this particular hero's journey alone. There are SO many moving pieces to juggle in a successful launch in order for you to have good, lasting results.
You will get a much better return on all the time and love you invest in your launch, if you have step-by-step guidance from an experienced mentor whom you really trust. Preferably one who can teach you to set up a system that is repeatable so that you can use it over and over.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
It's important to take lots of time when setting up a launch to be kind to yourself, gently celebrate every little step and triumph, and constantly come back to your own alignment of who you are and vision of where you want this launch to go.
I tend to see everything in terms of the hero's journey, so I find it crucial to always keep the vision of your destination in mind, as well as taking each step on the path deliberately and as joyfully as you can - even though (or perhaps precisely because) a launch often gets very messy along the way with all the moving pieces.
As long as you have the vision clearly in mind and the guidance of a competent mentor, it's easier to have peace of mind along the way and trust that all the moving pieces will eventually fall into place.
"Upsells and order bumps will definitely double your sales. Building an expensive product for the 4% of your clientele who can actually afford it. "
Wow!! I sooooo, sooooo much love Daniela’s insight! It’s so easy to concentrate on volume, while actually concentrating on the top end of our offers as well as upsells can make such a massive difference to results!
Thanks Daniela for being part of this! So happy to have you in!
Check out Daniela’s SoHA Yoga, School of Healing Arts here.
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Find out your average customer avatar...
Speak to the camera as if you where speaking to just this one person. Look straight into it, and teach from your heart.
Don’t be too perfectionist, people like human mistakes. Laugh about tiny mistakes unapologetically. Overdeliver.
Make the course of programme worth more than what they pay. Invest in the details. Dress with intention, and use colors that match the theme, the topic and the mood of the video. Choose themes for each module, so your intention follow through on a sequence of videos.
Be yourself. Be natural, teach what has made your life what it is today.
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
Upsells and order bumps will definitely double your sales. Building an expensive product for the 4% of your clientele who can actually afford it.
Target people who can pay at least 197 for a course. otherwise you will attract cheap clientele.
"Your mindset is essential to positively face the self doubts, unexpected glitches, the tight schedule, the expectations you put on yourself and so much more..."
Wow! This was quite an injection of insights, experience and, above all, openness to share learnings!
Didn’t you LOOOOOOVE it?! At the end of this blog I will quickly summarised the points these superb entrepreneurs have shared so generously.
But first…
Here are my answers too! Because, as you know by now, I’ve also entered this extraordinarily rewarding world of online courses with The Profitable Pinterest Secrets!
Rewarding because you make a difference with your passion and knowledge to people lives. What can be better?!!!
So here are my answers too!
What is your #1 advice to someone launching?
Don’t go at it alone…
You might think you know the steps. You might have even taken a course before.
However, having coaching throughout your launch, specially group coaching and for your first few ones is essential.
As online entrepreneurs you face a great challenge compared to other businesses: you haven’t got large, specialised teams around them to bounce ideas, plans, data and results.
You haven’t those voices that can so much encourage or highlight areas of improvement.
Every step can feel very daunting, even if you’re determined.
Every decision might create unfounded doubts.
An idea could be brought to the next level by the inspiring ideas of other entrepreneurs.
Louise Henry’s 90 Days Programme helped me beyond belief. Not just thanks her invaluable advice, teaching, support and experience but also thanks to the community of other entrepreneurs I was able to interact with. The group energy, constructive feedback and support to each other was extraordinarily helpful.
The links we established have gone beyond the programme and many are part of this blog!
What was your biggest learning from your last launch?
I discovered in the flesh what you hear and read so much about… the rollercoaster ride throughout the launch.
Your mindset preparation is essential to positively face self doubts, insecurities, unexpected glitches, the tight schedule, the anxiety of the expectations you put on yourself, the highs that come with the connections with your audience and sales…
Some days you feel over the moon and others you can lose all your self-confidence for no good reason! Up and down throughout the launch.
My most important learning from the experience of launching is to normalise all those feelings so that you expect them and face the lows as part of normal the process… because they don’t mean your launch is going badly but only that you need to go through the whole process before assessing the results! Then assess the learnings and start again!
So many super valuable takes!
Truly… wasn’t it fantaaaaaaastic! I’m still so over the moon to be able to bring this blog to you! Did you notice the range of online areas?
Apartment interior styling
Facebook and Instagram ads
CEO and leaders coaching
Social skills groups for kids
Productivity and online business
Writing, exams prep, and so much more…
SEO copywriting
Video skills
Outdoor learning online
Signature quizzes and workshops
Video and public speaking
Piano and virtual orchestration
Self discovery and life purpose finding
Launch strategy
Online business and tools
Women self love
I promise to summarise my takes for you… So here they are in a nutshell:
Educate yourself on online launches
Planning is essential: allocate more time than you anticipate, set realistic deadlines
Simplify to avoid burnout
Be strategic and consider outsourcing simple tasks
Focus on building your audience first
Interact with your audience (before and throughout)
Warm up your audience to the launch (tease it before you launch)
Consider advertising and how you can improve your marketing
Understand your market (reach to target customers, talk to them, understand their pain points)
Don’t give too much away during your launch event but enough so they want your product
Launch before you create (validate along with your client before you create your course / coaching service / membership )
Adapt as you go… be flexible
Create an action orientated course / coaching
Think about the transformation you deliver (the result)
By maximising the revenue you get from every customer, your biz income grows faster.
Work on your mindset: just do it, keep going, maintain your energy, let go of your expectations while launching, expect the rollercoaster of feelings
Embrace that imperfect is perfect
Be yourself, remind aligned
A BIIIIIIIIG, ENORMOUS thank you to all my fellow online entrepreneurs for their generosity and openness to be part of this blog!!! It’s an indescribable pleasure to have them here! THANKS SOOOOOO, SOOOOOO much!
What next?
There is only one possible action possible today after this…
A HUGE thank you for being here with me until the end.
It is an absolute privilege to know that you read and find value in my blog!
Don’t forget to get my 14 Pinterest Secrets that 10x my Email List for Free if you have not got it yet :
Hi! I’m Isabel
Visual content creation is my passion
The sea is my happy place!
For years and years I have created and produced content, in particular visual content. You can find me very often with my cameras and tripod out and about!
My passion: to help you with your online presence and drive business growth through my blog and visuals collections (marketing templates, styled photos & video).
Ah, I have also worked for 24+ in the corporate world, leading quite a mix: transformation, marketing, coaching, sales, productivity, programme management, investments and product management.
I love sharing all these skills with you in my blog.
I am also founder of Agavea Properties, our family holiday rental business. My husband and I lead it with the passion with one goal in mind: serving our customers to create a memorable holiday experience for them.
So there you have it, that’s me! Ah... I almost forgot, my happy place is by the sea.
Thanks for being here with me!