Profitable online course business secrets unveiled: the blueprint for results no one talks about

Are you thinking of creating an online course business or have already created your first online course and want an insider’s peek at what would make your online course business a success without total burnout? 

You’re in the right place, my friend! I’m here to unveil to you not just any tips but far more than that: online course business secrets from my own online course creator experience, in some cases, the ones I’ve learned the hard way. I’m sharing this here so that you avoid the early mistakes that have cost me not just time or money but something even more important: belief in myself. I share with you the online course business blueprint for success here:

One important thing, though! None of them work magic individually. They are a sort of a system; bring them together and prepare for the passive income that follows while you sleep. 

Secondly, don’t scan over the sections to get the 6 secrets and move one. The deep richness of what you’re going to learn here for your own online course business journey is my experience (and learnings!) of becoming a successful online course creator. Ready? Off we go!

Full disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links that, at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission from.


Don’t forget to pin this image!


Are online courses profitable? Is passive income only a dream?

Let’s start with a myth I want to break before we get into the 6 secrets themselves. 

Are online courses profitable? There is a lot said and painted, almost as a mirage, about the online course business results you can achieve. While it is absolutely possible, the path to results isn’t straightforward if you jump into superficial advice.

What do I mean? Things like: “Follow these 8 steps to get your online course in 3 days.”

These are click-bait hooks that mislead and misrepresent what your online course business needs for results. Hence, this blog!

A 6 and 7-figure online course business is totally achievable with online courses, as you aren’t limited by selling your own time, and you can sell unlimited numbers. True. That’s the beauty of online courses passive income nature. Yeah!

The magic of an order popping in your inbox while you sleep is soooooooo real.


Is it easy to get to that point?

I’ve seen many online entrepreneurs despair in the journey to a profitable online course business by believing it is done in a flash. There are too many headlines and promises of fast and easy results.

Here is the reality.

It requires determination and awareness of what truly makes a difference to invest your most valuable asset, time, in what really matters to start an online course business the right way! 

Should you stop reading? Noooooooo.

You, my friend, know better than all the empty promises. That’s why you’re here reading this.

Here is how to make it happen as I have and the untold elements that form the basis for a solid, profitable online course business.


Online course business secret #1: Step 1 isn’t what you think

The aha moment to start an online course business

Here comes my first bombshell! 

You may have now reached this very special moment: you’ve discovered some content about online courses, and you’ve realised they could transform your life and help you achieve those dreams that feel far at this point.

I absolutely know that feeling. It’s so essential you nurture it.

I can vividly picture the day and moment I understood that passive income was the one thing that I was looking for in my business dreams. I was in the garden, tendering our veggie patch,  listening to a fantastic podcast of this guy I had never heard of, Pat Flynn (Can’t you believe it? That’s being a newbie in the online world for you!).

He explained his back story into online business and passive income, and the aha moment I felt was off the scale.

It was only much later that the urge to create an online course business grew on me. Why?

Few digital products help you scale your online business at a pace when you start. 📈More about that later.


Step 1 to start an online course business isn’t this

Naturally, at the point you decide to get into an online course business, you jump into wanting to create your online course right away. 

Seems logical, right?

Wait! Don’t start. Not yet. You’re missing a key step.

“Whaaaaaaat, Isabel, are you serious?”, you might be thinking at this point.

I understand that taking action is so crucial, still I told you I was going to be straight with you. 

Here is the stuff that many don’t tell you. 🔑


Why should you NOT start creating your course right away?

Going all in to create your online course to start your online course business can be a huge misstep, especially if online business, in general, is relatively new to you.

The fact is that creating an online course is a labour of love that takes time, much more than you think when you start. You could embark on months of heavy and intense online course creation for a huge disappointment at the end.

No, no, I’m not saying an online course business isn’t extraordinary.

It is all about how you approach it when you start. 

Your course will be genius. I’m sure it will.

That doesn’t mean it will sell once you have spent mooooooonths crafting it. 🤯

Do I want to put you off? Far from that!

This is the untold truth of online course business.


Pro Tip

The way into a successful online course business starts with investing in learning the ropes of how to:

  • Set up a system for sales
  • Grow your online audience
  • Develop a profitable course idea and decide how to price it
  • Create your online course fast
  • Launch your course simply and effectively
  • Drive traffic to your course
  • Automate your sales for revenue while you sleep

Do you see the critical nuance? It isn’t just about creating your actual course content.

It is a complete system that gets you to approach it from a marketing and sales perspective, that guides you on how to create your course, but also gets the other critical success elements.

Here are all of them: 

  • Product (your course)

  • People (your ideal client)

  • Place (your marketing strategies)

  • Promotion (your sales strategies)

  • Pricing (your price)

  • Process (your systems)

  • Physical evidence (your testimonials… I know, I know, you aren’t here yet. You’ll soon be! 🎯)

In marketing, these are called the 7Ps of marketing. 


And I get it. This may sound like jargon you don’t know how to do this stuff. I have you covered! 

I have a very special invite for you when you keep on reading that will show you how to sell online courses while you sleep. 🤫


Your online course business success starts before you have a course to sell

Are you thinking: “Wow, how the heck do I do this?”

Perfect! You, my friend, are on the right track to success. Nothing is more valuable in your online course business journey than understanding what you don’t know and where you need help.

I wasted so much time and effort, hoooooours of work non-stop, day and night, week and weekends, at the beginning of my online journey, thinking I knew what I was doing and not investing in the right learning for me.

So here is my most heartfelt recommendation for you.

Louise Henry’s has taught me everything I know about selling online courses. I went from not having a clue of how to create, market and sell my course to making sales while I sleep. 😮

So here is an exceptional, totally FREE, 40-minute workshop that will transform your results! ⚡️


Online course business secret #2: The #1 priority that many forget

My online course business aha-moment

Yay!!! I’m so thrilled that I’ve shared Louise’s workshop with you! 🙌 It’s a game-changer that will get you sailing through your online course business, as it did for me. 

Now to the #1 priority that many forget (or push back).

So the reality of an online course business when you start is that you have a range of things, many all brand new, to complete. Many get overwhelmed at this stage and concentrate on one thing at a time, most likely creating your course.

Hear me out on this.

I made this huge mistake early on in my online journey (before deciding to create my online course or knowing about Louise)… 🤯


my personal story:

I created fab digital products, spent a long time doing my market research, getting them right, crafting my sales page… for crickets. Literally. I had tested them with my target ideal clients… Still zip all.

I felt so lost. And you don’t need to be.

I was missing the key component of a successful online business.

I had not built my audience!

That was my flop.

I had wasted months and months where I had concentrated uniquely on 2 things:

  • designing a beautifully crafted website and

  • creating a perfect product.

I was 100% convinced that those were the 2 things I needed to sell.

I was wrong…

Later on, I understood it!

Build your audience and email list in parallel with creating your online course (or digital product). Aha! That was the turning point.

Online course sales happen when you have built an audience to sell to. It doesn’t need to be huge, and it can (and will) grow over time.

Look now at the chat during my live workshops when I launch my online course:


The social media burnout to grow your online course business audience

You may be thinking: “Ahhhhhh… I need to get into social media fast.”

Actually, you don’t! In fact, here is another huge learning finding for you.

This is a myth that gets so many totally burnt out. 

It is very normal to believe that online growth equates to social media growth. That’s what we are exposed to every day, multiple times a day on our phones. We see content from our niche, success stories and all this content bombarding us with how to grow your followers for success.

Ready for another personal story?


my personal story:

When I started, I had the magic 10k followers on Instagram, back at the time when the links weren’t available to everyone. You needed 10k followers for the Swipe Up option.

Well, I had it. I created and created content. Daily. Beautifully crafted. So much time spent on it and… still no sales.


The social media business model is to keep users on the platform.

So getting traffic out of social media to sell your course, or get sign-ups to your email list, or next launch is soooooooo slow.

A few clicks. That’s it. So you spent more time chasing that magic moment when a post will go viral… and when it comes, “Whaaaaaat?”, it doesn’t change that much to it all. This reel went viral for me, and… I got zero email list sign-ups (let alone sales).


Your content on social media isn’t searchable.

It’s actively pushed to be discovered by your ideal audience for less than 24 hours! Surprised? That’s where the burnout comes along.

“So, Isabel, what is the answer?”

Perfect! Let’s chat about what’s the secret to audience growth on autopilot.


How to grow your online course business leads

Use a platform where your content is discoverable for years, not just hours. They’re called content search engines, that is: Google, YouTube and Pinterest!

Now, here is the thing.

To rank on Google with your website or blog may take you years. Google SEO is complex and, on top of that, ranking many times requires you to have a high Google domain authority. That means backlinks from other high-domain authority websites. Lost? Well, that’s the point. Google is great, I rank on page 1 and show my students in my signature course, The Profitable Pinterest Secrets, how to do it too, but it may take years.

Having a YouTube channel isn’t for everyone. YouTube is very powerful. Still, I get that you may have enough on your plate right now thinking about creating your online course business. This can come later if you feel like it.

So what about Pinterest?

Ahhhhhhh! Now I can’t stop typing super fast because I’m beyond excited to tell you about it!


The power of Pinterest to grow your online course business leads

Pinterest is a visual search engine, the platform you want to use, where:

  • Your content is discoverable for years by search 🔎

  • You can rank without thousands of followers ⚡️

  • All your pins (a pin is a post on Pinterest) have links to wherever you want, yeah!!!! 🔗

  • You don’t need to be on the platform daily: schedule in just 4-5 hours a month and get freedom of time for your online course business! 🙌

  • Users are true action-takers (they have the highest shopping intent compared to social media!) 💸

Convinced but don’t know where to start?

Here is my FREE “7 Essential Steps To Kickstart Your Pinterest For Leads on Autopilot”:


7 Essential Steps To Kickstart

Your Traffic On Autopilot With Pinterest

The ultimate cheat sheet to get started on Pinterest for audience growth and lead generation (even if you haven't used Pinterest for business before)

Get your FREE Cheat Sheet now


Online course business secret #3: Free isn’t the answer

Should you create your online course on a free system?

You, my friend, are making massive progress! You have what it takes!

Now comes a behind-the-scenes reality that you may not expect.

There is a lot of advice out there to jump into how to create your online course for free.

I so much get that you feel drawn to that and have certainly googled it already and consumed YouTube content one after the other. 

I acutely remember my months with no revenue coming in. The idea of spending $99 or more monthly on any tool felt quite impossible.

The fact is that building an online course business based on freebies is going to cost you sooooooo much more very soon, and that will set you back to reach your revenue goals. 

We always think that our time is free when we are starting our online journey and we will save money by throwing our “free” time into it.

Well, time may feel free, but it isn’t.

There is something super important in business called opportunity cost. Let me explain…

  • When you start your online course business using a bunch of freebie systems… you end up with a mess of free systems that will need to be integrated (tech horror!). 

  • Faster than you think, you get to start paying for a few, and all adds up fast… 

  • Plus, when you start having students, you realise that you need to spend months migrating the whole thing to a system that costs you less and meets what you need so much better for growth… 

  • That is when you realise your time costs you far more than you initially thought.

  • Now that you could be marketing and selling your genius course, you are deep into tech nightmares and paying more for your tangled systems that consume your time because each is a whole learning experience… 

Achhhhhhhh… sounds like a nightmare? It is. What’s the answer?


The all-in-one online course business system that saves me $$$$

There is absolutely nothing cheaper and more time-effective than starting on the right all-in-one marketing system from the beginning. There are a few out there.

For many, many reasons, my number one choice is Kartra!

With Kartra, you’ll get all of this in one platform, so you save a ton of money, and you don't need to learn multiple tools:

  • Your online course area (where you create your online course for your students)

  • Your platform to sell digital products

  • Your check-out payment system

  • Your email marketing system, including email sequence automation

  • Your sign-up forms for your freebie

  • Your sales pages

  • Your media storage for video, images, audio and files

  • Your affiliate programme system

  • Your survey and quiz system

  • Your online calendar booking system

  • Your marketing automations

Want to know why Kartra saves you so much money? Check out my blog about it: Is Kartra Pricing Worth It For Solopreneurs? Kartra Review

And when you decide to upgrade to the Silver plan, you even get a Webinar platform included, too! Such a great add-on for your online course business launches! 

I couldn’t be happier with Kartra. I do 90% of what I need for my online course business on it! Yes, I’ll tell you about the other 10% a bit later on this blog! 😉 Let’s first cover something essential.

Get here your 30-day FREE Kartra Starter trial.

30-day FREE Kartra trial


30-day FREE Kartra trial 〰️


How to use Kartra for your online course business

I get it. The learning curve of any online tool can feel overwhelming, especially if you aren’t into tech. I get it! 

Did I say this blog is full of untold secrets?… Here comes another one! This is mindblowing! 🤯

Let me unveil to you how I learned to set up Kartra to make money while I sleep… plus, in the same course, I learned how to create, market, launch and sell my course. 

There's nothing like seeing the emails pop up in your inbox. Look at my own Kartra messages:


Do you want to know how I went from zero (literally not knowing how to create a course) to welcoming my clients to my signature online course, The Profitable Pinterest Secrets?

I didn’t try to work it all out by myself. I had done before for digital products and failed massively. So, I invested in myself.

Louise Henry’s Passive Profit Accelerator (PPA) is the course you want to package up your brilliance into an online course that gives you more income and impact. 💫

Louise’s Passive Profit Accelerator has an added gem on it! It also teaches you exactly, all included as part of the course, how to use Kartra to create, market and sell your online course! 🎉


Don’t wing it… Invest in execution for your online course business

Much advice out there makes you believe that you can get thousands in no time, with a few easy clicks for a super successful online course business.

So, let me nuance that without demotivating you.

You can absolutely achieve a wildly successful online course business for freedom of time and all those other dreams you have!!! You need to go at it with your eyes open.

You can spend a lot of time, despair and total burnout unless you invest in professional guidance on what to do and learn the best, fastest way to launch your genius online course.

I wasted so much time before! I even bought other courses to create an online course and never implemented them.

Now I launched like a pro my course. Here, I am launching, live, to hundreds of people my online course:


The Passive Profit Accelerator will show you how to create a course and sell it on autopilot. The true definition of the freedom-based business you’ve been dreaming of. It isn’t just is not any other online course about online course creation!

Yes, strategy and mindset are important. But arguably the most important? Your execution. How you make it all happen, from idea to sales on autopilot! Because without it, you’ve just got an outline of a course sitting in a sad folder on your laptop, or even worse… months and months of course lessons that you don’t manage to market and sell successfully.

Louise’s Passive Proft Accelerator is the simplest way to create, launch, and sell your course on autopilot. She will show you click by click, including Kartra!

Start learning from Louise here for FREE:

Yes, I am more than an affiliate… I am an advocate of Louise’s courses. 

They have transformed not only my skills but also my way of working, injecting so much more simplicity into how I approach my online course business as well as a strategic focus that gets me online growth and sales!


The other indispensable tool for your online course business

What else is essential?

What is another tool I use every day that keeps me on track with my goals while removing the non-sense, endless to-do lists that get you nowhere?

Well, this is a tool I use entirely for free and makes me drive my online course business like the CEO I am, focusing on the priorities that make the difference and drive results.

Ok, ok, let me tell you.

It’s Asana.

Beyond Kartra, Asana ​​is the one system to help you run your business more efficiently, effectively, and profitably. Far more than a fancy project management tool.

Asana helps me prepare and go through my online course launches without being overwhelmed, knowing exactly what to do and when.

Have a look at a screenshot of my launch this summer on Asana.


This might not surprise you anymore by now. I learned how to use it from another of Louise’s courses: Uplevel With Asana!

Louise includes the most mind-blowingly useful Asana templates with her course, and that changes how fast you start operating like a 6-figure entrepreneur.

She has a bonus in her course, where she shows you how she manages her online business with Asana, literally. From goals settings, online course creation, marketing calendars, content bank, online course launches, operations and more!

I remember when I decided to invest in it; that was why I did. Where else do you see how a mega-successful online course entrepreneur leads her biz?

Do you want to learn more about Asana? Here is another FREE workshop for you!

Watch instantly How To Organize Your Online Business Like A 6-Figuree Entrepreneur here.


Online course business secret #4: Information isn’t the key

Now that I’ve shared with you how I went from zero to an online course business that sells while I sleep let’s go into a few more secrets that make all the difference that I’ve learned in the process.

This one might surprise you.

Tons of information aren’t what will make your online course sell and be loved by your clients.


Your ideal clients will buy from you and love your course not because you’re another Wikipedia or Google.

In fact, this is true beyond your online course. Apply this same principle to your content marketing too! In today’s world, everyone is bombarded with plenty of information. Too much. Plus, AI tools are making access to that information even more accessible than ever. 

So how do you stay relevant and stand out in a world where it feels everything can get replaced by powerful AI tools that chuck out answers in seconds?

It comes to these 3 things.

Your online course business will shine when you:

  • Share your experience and the unique methods and insights you’ve developed through that experience.

  • Create a course that drives action and provides encouragement.

  • Shine with your own voice and brand. 


You are the key to it all

You might be doubting whether to do this online course business thing or not.

You’ve been researching a bit and there are people out there who already offer what you do. “Who am I to pretend that I can do it better than them?”, you might be silently whispering.

Ooooooooh, I remember those thoughts so crisply.

Here is a reality that you may have already heard. You are unique, and people will buy from you, not others. It is not about the subject of your course, it’s all about your uniqueness and how you bring your experience and the results you can achieve to it.

Let your uniqueness attract your ideal clients.

Nothing new about this. Still, you have heard it, and you keep on doubting yourself. That little voice doesn’t go away.

Well, that’s ok. We all have a certain level of self-doubt.

So here is what I recommend you do. When these thoughts overcome you and push you back from progress, trust this principle: You are the key. You are the magnet.

So, instead of doubting yourself and jeopardising your online course business by the paralysis that self-doubt brings, keep on taking one step after the other. 

Let your uniqueness shine through your content. Well, you’ll see that, even before you sell one course, your audience will tell you how much they identify with your content.


That is the best signal you can get that you’re on the right track to establish your authority.


Take action

  • Work on cultivating what you stand for, what makes you different, what’s your purpose, and your deep why.

The more you connect at a personal level with your audience, not just through impersonal marketing, the more you will build super fans who want to buy everything you offer.


Experience and action vs. information in your online course business

Let’s go deeper into this concept.

Masses of information surround us. Yeah, ChatGPT can get you very neat summaries and suggestions done in a flash. However… all that stuff is generic. 

What helps decision-making to invest in your online course is your experience. That’s the best way people have to shortcut the process, knowing that they will follow a proven system.

So don’t fill your course with information. Make it digestible and help save time to achieve results.

That will get you superfans.

There is nothing like templates, swipe copy, cheat sheets, worksheets, and fillable files… to package your experience in a fast digestible way for your student. They will love you for that!

Importantly, all these elements enable something even more critical than learning… they trigger action.

When your course drives action, your customers are on the way to transformation. That’s your most important goal with your course. 


Pro Tip

  • When you start brainstorming about your course, don’t only think about all the content you need to include.
  • Think the opposite way.
  • What is the minimum your students need to take action for results?

Now you’ve moved your online course from being overwhelming by information to a system based on your own personal experience that shortcuts the process, using templates and other files that motivate and support action. 


In The Profitable Pinterest Secrets, I could go through lessons and lessons of theoretical content marketing knowledge and bore my customers to pieces. Instead, I shared the bits they truly need, sprinkled with plenty of examples and supporting files to help them put it into action. Hre. is a screenshot of my course.


The power of belief and habits

Half of the battle to achieving results, the transformation your course promises, relies on something beyond your niche experience. 

It depends on your focus to encourage your students and empower them to believe they can.

It seems simple advice, but it is very profound.

Many won’t implement your online course lessons because of mindset fears. The fear of failure, the fear of success, the fear of what others would say… So many factors that impact the energy to take action.

My personal experience has shown me that the more you become a mindset whisperer, the more you will inspire action and empower results.


Pro Tip

  • Sprinkle your course with plenty of mindset goodness and personal encouragement.

The most impactful approach for your online course impact

And now for the final special component that will make all the difference beyond all we have already covered for your online course business.

Did you know that most online courses are never completed? So, what are your chances of getting testimonials if your customers don’t go through your course?

Beyond injecting plenty of resources and empowerment through mindset techniques, think about this one thing.

How can you bring early results to your customers? Can you create quick wins?

The power of quick wins is often forgotten, and that is such a missed opportunity! Quick wins is the most impactful strategy you can implement in your online course creation. 


A simple analogy:

Just think of this simple example.

If you want to lose weight and for months you are asked to follow a strict diet but don’t see your weight reducing… what would you end up doing inevitably? Stop the diet.

On the opposite scale, when you follow a certain diet, and you see some weight loss within days, you see the results of your efforts and are far more likely to continue.

With my many years of experience in complex transformation programmes, I can confidently tell you that quick wins are a must-have to land change.

With your online course business, it’s exactly the same. Create early wins for your customers and they’ll be more likely to stick to it and achieve results.

And that’s exactly how the Passive Profit Accelerator is designed for you and your online course business. It’s created for results for you in simple ways, as early as possible.


Online course business secret #5: The hardest to achieve

Fantastic! You, my friend, have already discovered so much goodness that will catapult you to success with your online course business! I’m so proud that you’re hanging out here with me!

So let’s now talk about an element you might not consider: Your own resilience and deep determination. 

Your online course business will bring you massive hours and moments of celebrations and a huge roller coaster of emotions… including, let’s say it as it is, some flops.

Your online course business is a journey of discovery, rinse and repeat, and experimentation. During that experimentation, sometimes the results will not be what we expected or wished for.

So, my friend, my secret #5 is to take the time to develop a limitless mindset. This will serve you to embrace challenging moments, face new things, accept some failures, and learn from them to grow personally. 


my personal story:

When I started my online journey I felt so insecure that I could not take any feedback without bursting into tears. Literally.

Then, I went through a phase when I was avoiding certain activities because I convinced myself I wasn’t good enough.

Now, I embrace new challenges because I know I am capable of evolving and doing things I wasn’t before.

I know I can achieve things that I didn't even dream of when I started!

Developing a limitless mindset isn’t done overnight. It took me years. It doesn’t need to take you that long.

My friend Claudia Ramirez is the most inspiring mindset coach ever, super down to earth and full of techniques that will help you see beyond what you believe yourself capable of today! 

You can join her programme, Run With It!, here.


Online course business secret #6: The one you can’t go without

This is secret #6 in this blog, but that doesn’t mean is less important than any of the previous ones.

Here comes some personal experience for context… 

I remember staring at my laptop, reading the standard tips above about doing market research, and creating your network of contacts. 

I thought… ‘I get it. Still, I know no one…

I didn’t have any customers to ask questions, no email list yet, and didn’t know any other online entrepreneurs in my circle of friends and acquaintances.

I felt stuck. The advice was great, and I couldn’t imagine how to make it happen.

My level of confidence was zero. Talking about my online business would make me cry back then because of how insecurred I felt. So, for far too loooooooooooong I stayed isolated.

When I joined free Facebook groups to try to save money and totally convinced that I was doing the clever thing, I got more confusion out of them than anything. I deeply respect the work and community that goes into some of the great free groups out there.

I personally have found that the most value is in the private ones. 

Why? Because:

  • People open up more freely.

  • You see what’s behind the scenes.

  • You can ask your most profound questions as well as your most silly questions!

The journey in your online course business can be hard. So doing alone is tough, for many too tough. You don't have to do it alone. I’ll go beyond that. You will reach your goals much faster when you don’t do it alone.

I stayed isolated behind my screen far too long! You don’t need to.

Here are 3 great options for you. I’m part of these memberships, and they have all helped me deeply in my journey.


The Passive Profit Accelerator members-only Facebook group

Well, you’ve been with me on the blog for a while now. So you have heard me talking marvels of Louise Henry’s programme, Passive Profit Accelerator

Here is what I haven’t told you yet… and it is such a golden nugget. When you join the programme, you can join the community of students in the course on a private, members-only, Facebook group. 

You can ask your questions, like:

  • validate your course ideas 💡

  • refine your online course name 🖋

  • get feedback on your sales page, your sign-up page, your freebie… 🙌

  • ask for help for your market research 🔎

  • brainstorm pricing and pricing models 💸

  • get cheered by the community during your launch 👏

  • validate how to present your lessons 💻

  • ask others about tools or tech 🛠

  • and so much more!

All of that is in a group where you feel cared for and can open up to others.

I’m a Group expert on it, and I love every minute of it!

And this is all part of Passive Profit Accelerator! Yeah! I knew I was keeping the best for last! 😉

Join the Passive profit Accelerator today for -$$$ off


Join the Passive profit Accelerator today for -$$$ off 〰️



I get it! I have gone on about Louise's courses for a while now. We’re all different.

So I also want to share with you a particularly brilliant alternative for an online entrepreneur membership. 

Here is an alternative option for a great community to join. Yeap, I’m also a member and in fact, I’m part of a mastermind inside too.

This is Pat Flynn’s SPI Pro community. This is a community to transform your business by amplifying your audience & revenue growth alongside other experienced entrepreneurs. 

I got into online business after listening to a Pat Flynn’s podcast. His online journey is so inspiring and the spirit of SPI Pro is phenomenal. You’ll find all types of entrepreneurs. 

Many online course creators get burnt out in their journey to success. The journey is full of bumps, and being surrounded by other entrepreneurs you can reach makes the whole difference. Your chances of creating a profitable online course business can dramatically improve.

You can access extraordinary education, build your online network, find collaborations, and get powerful advice. 

It is a community that you can join by application only. You can learn all about it here.

If you can invest in both, I definitely recommend them wholeheartedly. 


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Other invaluable support

Last, the power of your close circle support is so important. It can make or break your mindset.

I’m so deeply grateful to my husband and son for their continuous energy and belief in me, even during the tough times.

You’ve heard this one a million times, surround yourself with positivity, so I’m not going to repeat it but go beyond that.

Those around you will see things that you don’t. They will try to give you feedback, help you along the way.

While it sounds fab it can be tough. When we aren’t sure about whether we are on the right track, when your results aren’t yet happening as you want to, these voices can sound to you as negative criticism and you could feel unsupported.

Don’t. They come from a place of love. Be patient. Don’t overreact. 

Seriously, I have been told so many times how bad I was at showing up on video, not as myself, that bit by bit I improved. I pushed back again and again each time they told me… 😂 and deep down, I knew they were right.

So prepare yourself for your close ones opinions. That’s ok.

They love you and want you to succeed. Give them some grace when they feed back… also, push back when it isn’t the right time for you to hear these things!


Bonus tip: What I did far too late

You're a genius at your thing! You, my friend, are going to transform so many lives with your superpower. It may not feel like it right now. There is so much to do and achieve… 

Remember this! Your success will depend on bringing together many different elements you aren’t an expert at: marketing, sales strategies, video editing, graphic design, email marketing, copywriting, content creation, tools and systems… 

So here is the best advice I could give you and my biggest mistake for far too long. 

Don’t try to figure it all out by yourself.

Your time is money. More than that. The more you struggle with stuff others can show you the way, the more time you’ll spend to reach your first results. The reality is that when it talks too long is self-destroying. You lose confidence, let’s be honest too, the bank account starts looking shaky, and you reach a tipping point where giving up seems the only option.

So winging it, running it all on free stuff will get you to start, but rarely to success. There are simply too many things you don't know beyond your areas of genius.

Yeap! I reached that point in my journey. 

Then my husband said: “Invest in yourself”. It was what felt to me at the time a big investment… I recovered it all just in 3 months, after I successfully launched my online course and my online course business took off!

That investment was in Passive Profit Accelerator. And that’s why I couldn’t resist to share it with you today. 

Louise is not just extraordinary at what she offers in her courses, but her style, her team support and her PPA Facebook group transpire how she is: a warm, approachable, generous person who helps you approach your online course business with simplicity and focus on what matters most for results. 💛


What next?

You won’t be surprised about this… time to take action. Get your online course business an injection of focus strategies to accelerate your journey. Implement at least one of the many pro-strategies I have shared with you.

Don’t forget to comment and tell me:


Please let me know in the comments

  • What was the one thing that resonated with you in this blog that you are going to apply?

Hi! I’m Isabel


Visual content creation is my passion

The sea is my happy place!


For years and years I have created and produced content, in particular visual content. You can find me very often with my cameras and tripod out and about! 

My passion is to help solopreneurs and small business owners like you grow your online audience and biz using Pinterest. Yes, I’ll show you hacks and tools, but I believe that you need more than that to be successful. That’s why I combined my Pinterest expertise with powerful content marketing, business and mindset strategies to get your online presence to the next level! 🥳

Ah, I have also worked for 24+ in the corporate world, leading quite a mix: transformation, marketing, coaching, sales, productivity, programme management, investments and product management. 

I love sharing all these skills with you in my blog.

I am also founder of Agavea Properties, our family holiday rental business.  My husband and I lead it with the passion with one goal in mind: serving our customers to create a memorable holiday experience for them.

So there you have it, that’s me! Ah... I almost forgot, my happy place is by the sea

Thanks for being here with me!

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